I’m Still Out Here

img_1146It’s been a while since I last posted. In fact, I’ve cleared my first state.


It took 8 days to finish the first state and looking back now I can say I have fond memories of the southern terminus state. When I was in the thick of it, however, it was difficult to look past the pain in the knees, ankles, back, arms and sore muscles that have not been used in some time. And having to stop and eat because I’d literally burned through every calorie eaten and then some. Those were tough days. But what I think of now is finding strength within to make a summit to catch an amazing view or pushing further to get to the next camp site to meet friends for sharing a few good laughs around supper. It was definitely a test of physical endurance but also the beginning of the mental game the trail has in store. Most of the Peach state was willed through on pure excitement alone. The Georgia mountain has beauty for all to behold. I’ll remember most of its scenery through pictures in years to come, but I’ll always remember it’s where I met the fam.

North Carolina

img_1183There is much to still be explored in the only Carolina I cross as I’ll be tramping the border between it and Tennessee. The terrain is much of the same just a bit more grandiose. The climbs are much longer and likewise the descents. Which makes one appreciate the physical strides made up to this point. The first couple of days in the 2nd state were covered in fog so I didn’t get great expansive views from towers that we had wished for but the mist made for really eerie scenery as the forest was hit by a fire last fall. The ground was still black with soot and trees charred or burned all together. While yes it looked somewhat spooky, the feeling I felt was much more serene. It was a peaceful quiet as though the forest contemplated on how it would be reconstructed. The southbound hikers are in for a treat I think because they will get to see the sprouts of new growth.


Thank you all for following and from Appalachia with love.

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