Gear Review: Sierra Design Neah Bay Rain Jacket
Sierra Design Neah Bay Rain Jacket
Attention, Attention, read all about it! Sierra Designs has released the Neah Bay Rain Jacket. Normally, I don’t wear rain jackets while hiking because it quickly turns into a sweat jacket. However, after moving to Colorado, I’ve found myself wearing rain jackets more because of the windy, cool alpine terrain.
Circumstances of Review
I tried this jacket in both urban and wilderness terrains. And it performed perfectly in both. Whether on the street or on the trail, the Neah Bay Rain Jacket kept me dry from the elements without overheating during the summer and fall months in Colorado.
Breathable: On the trail, I learned waterproof and breathable are an oxymoron. But, I’m kind of rethinking this after trying the Sierra Designs Neah Bay Rain Jacket. For a rain jacket, I was able to wear it in 50-60 degree temps without overheating, which is a feat for me. Additionally, above tree line hikes make for windy summits; but, this jacket shielded the wind surprisingly well. Further, I found this jacket to keep me dry from rain without overheating and strong enough to resist wind. Multipurpose? I think so.
Waterproof: In addition, the jacket is also waterproof. And, the Sierra Designs Neah Bay Rain Jacket features fully waterproof safe seams as well as adjustable cuffs and hood to keep elements out.
While thru-hiking, I found my so-called waterproof rain jacket to be quite the opposite. That said, I stayed dry the entire time during the my two-hour rainy hike field test. I would have tried for longer, but the Colorado sunshine outshone the storm. Check out the adjustable hood below:
Shell: The Neah Bay shell is softer than traditional hard shell jackets, making it incredibly comfortable; yet, durable. On hiking trips, I always carry a shell; and in this case, this jacket Why? Because a rain jacket or shell can (1) protect you from wet elements (2) be used as an additional insulating layer over down/synthetic in cool conditions and (3) keep you safe from rain/hail/snow.
Pocket Location: The pockets and zippers hit where my hip belt fell on my Osprey Exos 58. It was a little uncomfortable to hike with items in the Sierra Designs Neah Bay Rain Jacket but I luckily had enough storage that the pockets weren’t needed. I’ve tried pocketless rain jackets to save on gear weight; however, I really like having them when using a rain jacket as a shell or additional insulating layer.
Ventilation Zippers: If I could add one thing to the Sierra Designs Neah Bay Rain Jacket it would be ventilation zippers. Overall, this was one of the first rain jackets I have tried and approved of. Normally, rain jackets leave me sweaty, overheated and left hiking in the rain.
For $89, The Neah Bay Rain Jacket is a great option for wet, cold and even windy conditions. The durable shell is soft, breathable and waterproof. The jacket moves with you while hiking and the drop tail design keeps your back and behind dry. Personally, staying dry means less chafe. Wet clothes=chafe=OW! Furthermore, I was impressed with how the jacket resisted water for a sustained period of time. I don’t really love hiking in the rain. But, if the opportunity presents itself, I’m excited to try Sierra Designs Neah Bay Rain Jacket for a rainy all day hike.
Shop the Women’s Neah Bay Rain Jacket Here
This product was donated for the purpose of review
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