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I've been ruined for normal existence ever since thru-hiking the AT in 2011. I find that I am never fully satisfied with life so I am always looking for a new challenge, adventure, or goal to work towards. Add my tendency for self-suffering and you've got the makes of a long distance hiker, cyclist, and rower. I've lived and worked all across the country, thru-hiked the Arizona Trail, Hayduke Route, Long Trail, Camino Frances, Annapurna Circuit, and Pinhoti Trail, section-hiked the Camino Portugues and Benton MacKaye Trail, biked the Natchez Trace, and rowed the Mississippi River from source to sea. I was privileged to give back to the trail as an AT ridgerunner in 2016, 2021, and 2022. Happy Trails! For adventure travel posts, videos, and more check out my website: www.whereintheworldissara.com; YouTube- www.youtube.com/@SaraTideWalker; Instagram- @saratidewalker