Greetings from Two On The Trail
Hello AppalachIan Trials family!
Just wanted to drop a line and introduce ourselves. We are Lindsey and Andrew from Two On The Trail. In just over four months, we’ll set out on our first thru-hike! We’ll be hiking North Carolina’s Mountains-to-Sea Trail.
We both grew up in small town North Carolina, so a trail showing the best parts of our home state was a no-brainer for a first thru-hike! The trail extends 1000 miles from Clingmans Dome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (yup, thats along the AT!) to Jockey’s Ridge on the NC coast. If you’ve never heard of this awesome trail, you’re not alone. The trail just celebrated its 25th anniversary, but fewer than 50 people have thru-hiked it. The trail is unfinished – I think its best explained as a network of footpaths connected by backroads. Don’t worry, I’ll share more information about the trail in the weeks to come.
I (Lindsey) have a Masters in Aerospace Engineering, but have left the engineering world behind. I am currently splitting my time between three jobs – a local gear shop, a zipline canopy tour guide, and a local yoga studio. I also leave a local weekly hiking group here in Charlotte, NC. Andrew has a degree in Parks and Recreation Management, focused on Outdoor Leadership. He currently works as a raft guide and at a local triathlon shop. When we’re not working, we are daydreaming about the next big adventure.
Follow our training and journey here, on twitter (@TwoOnTheTrail) or on our blog (Two On The Trail). We look forward to sharing the journey with you!
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