Happy Feet? (ECT Day 28)

  • Hiked Today: 23.9 miles (The Florida Trail – 313.8 – 337.7)
  • Total Hiked: 518.4 miles
  • Total Paddled: 99.5 miles
Holiday Inn Express Davenport to Mott Hammock Campsite 

Weather: sun and clouds, 50-75 ish, dry

Breakfast at the hotel was quite lovely once again. I’m all about foods and drinks just being hot and ready. I’d packed up most of my things last night knowing I wanted to be walking at a decent time, but also wanting to have a relaxed morning getting going.

First time trying the toe socks!

Walking out of my room to check out, I remembered I wanted to resize my hip belt. I have had the straps as tight as they go and having lost some weight already was still feeling the need for it to be tighter. 

I checked out around 8:00am and was back to the FT about 40 minutes later (the hotel was a bit off trail). As I approached the intersection where I turned back to the trail’s road walk, I spotted a hiker taking the cross walk. I missed that round of the little glowing white walker signal, so didn’t get the chance then to chat. I’d follow this hiker with about the same gap between us for the next 45 minutes.

Poor bloke is upside down in the pond! These random manikans made me laugh.

We would have likely kept that trend going if I hadn’t stopped. I was feeling a hot spot already. No! Ok, let’s not panic (that’s what I was telling myself). It was the main culprit coming into the zero day, the outside of my big toe. I hadn’t put any mole skin on to start thinking I’d try the toe socks alone first. Wanting to stay on top of this, I now added mole skin!

Once going again, I was pleasantly surprised to find the hiker sitting down a short ways ahead along a little pull off area. It was Van Gogh. I sat and joined him for a break. Soon, Dukes caught up and joined too. Hikers! I got the scoop that everyone’s feet seem to be struggling, and that they too hope to get to trail fest, but also have resolved that it will require some driving/trail angeling.

I left first from this impromptu gathering and wouldn’t see them the rest of the day. The road walk continued for several more miles. Some was ok with a nice flat grassy area alongside, but other sections really sucked with barely a shoulder and a steep side slope. There was also a high proportion of semi-trucks on this highway. I overcame all these obstacles making it to the Van Fleet State Trail a little before 1:00 pm. There I finally sat down for a lunch break.

Moving on from Roads!?

The (Greta?) Van Fleet State Trail

As my main course for lunch, I’ll be trying the peanut butter and jelly duo in a tortilla for a while.

I added some more mole skin to my heals here because it seems it’s rubbing there now. Still, I’m being much more on top of it, trying to catch these things before they get bad. Unlike before, I’m walking without pain again… so happy feet for now!

The Van Fleet trail only lasted about 3 miles, but it was pleasant. And, the last road miles going ahead were actually pleasant too. Much calmer with cow fields and a gator canal!

The Green Swamp

The last two hours of the day I got nice trail!

Entering into the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve.

I made it to a hunt check station for the Green Swamp East area just in time for the porta-potty! Then I talked to the lady stationing the check. She asked if I had any orange or bright colored clothing. And she asked if I was staying on the road or going on the trail. We talked through it and I told her I’d wear my neon green hat and pink rain cover, but that I did intend to go on the trail and that I reserved a camp spot a few miles in. She seemed alright with it and I did too. There was a sink there where I filled up water and filtered, a nice break before the last push to camp!

I really do like the forest down here, although I think they call them hammocks.

This section near where I filled up water from the Withlacoochee River was fun too!

Pretty cool birds… this wasn’t a time lapse either; they were on the move!

This tree below was spectacular. The photo doesn’t get across how wide it’s trunk is and how tall it is. So cool!

At one point during the last mile or so, I found two different ticks crawling on my shin! Oye, I hate ticks. And it got me all freaked out and checking my body every 30 seconds to see if there were more trying to get me.

I made it to the Mott Hammock Campsite right around 6:00 pm. Who do I see walking my way but Trip, the hiker I met along the road yesterday on his way to Target. We were set up a bit a way from each other, but he was nice enough to come pay a visit to chat. Like an idiot, I stayed hiding in my tent not mentally prepared to take on the mosquitos that arrived after dark. I was happy chatting about trails and commiserating with one another about our messed up feet though.

What do I do once in my tent, you may be wondering? It’s usually pretty early when I get in there, after all. Well… my general tent tasks after eating involve (not in any order) a little wet wipe bath with main thing being my feet, checking out the blisters and seeing if there’s any doctoring up required, looking at the app for what’s ahead tomorrow and maybe even further. Brushing my teeth (and  flossing if I’m on top of it), switching into sleep clothes (bottom merino base layers and usually my fleece), writing about the days events, and if not too tired usually watching some downloaded shows. It’s surprising how those things can take up a few hours time and in no time I’m falling asleep around 9:00-9:30 pm on average.

Album of the Day: “Berry Is On Top” by Chuck Berry

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Comments 4

  • LaVern "Vern" Baysinger (not related to "Kim") : Feb 5th

    Probably a good idea to yield to the “18 wheel-
    ers”. They’ve definitely got a size and weight
    advantage. The crocodiles too for that matter.
    Just say’en…

  • Ellen R : Feb 5th

    I have read several hikers mention blister pain but have never read of anyone using lamb’s wool to alleviate the chafing. I have used it often and you only need a small amount between skin and clothing. It works well for me and literally weighs nothing. It can be found in the foot care section of stores. I hope the new socks give you relief. Safe travels.

  • jingle bells : Feb 5th

    i dealt with blisters until i found my goldilocks just right shoes. everything out there but Altra is too skinny. lone peak no cushion. so altra olympus, like a hoka speedgoat but with wider toe box.

    blister plagued for first few years of hiking. never a single since going to olympus

  • Jess : Feb 10th

    The bird video 😂


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