Heading South to Start the CYTC

Today on December 30th I officially left Massachusetts and began my journey south to Florida! I said goodbye to my family, who I won’t be seeing again for nearly an entire year. Then my dad drove me to the airport and dropped me off.

Just 3 days ago I left my apartment in Philadelphia and flew back to Massachusetts. Then had 2.5 days to put my things together, organize my gear, pack resupply boxes, and film and write up content for the trip. Now I’m all ready to go! It’s been a rather hectic last month and a half in preparation for this trek. I spent 5 or so weeks working in Philly to save some money. They had me working around the clock for the holiday season, so I wound up getting sick a good bit.

My immune system was certainly not prepared for the busy bar scene post trail. But I’m feeling a lot better and am excited to be back outside most of the time. That’s where I feel the best, inside and out. I also had a lot of planning to do for the CYTC. Which was so fun and exciting! I talked to numerous trail angels and hikers, one of which was Professor Carl. The only hiker who has ever completed this route previously.

I basically haven’t drank soda since the end of the CDT! But we’re back in action, baby!

Now I’m flying down to Ft Meyers, Florida! I’ll be linking up there with a bunch of familiar faces. Nana Man, who I just saw a handful of weeks ago on the CDT. Caboose, who I saw and hiked with a bit when I was in Florida along the ECT in 2023. And Long Shot, who works at Shaw’s Hiker hostel during there on season. I saw him down on the Florida trail the last time I was there as well. As well as a bunch of other hikers! I’m so excited to be surrounded by beautiful hiker trash once more.

Boarding my plane heading from Boston to Ft Meyers!

We’ll all be spending the night in Ft Meyers before we head down to Key West. Then the next morning we will be taking a ferry from Ft Myers to the Keys! Which is bound to be a gorgeous trip and a blast with all of those guys. I’m not sure where we’ll be staying or what we’ll be doing for New Year’s Eve on Key West. But I know we’ll figure it out along the way. That’s all a part of the process. I’ve also been in contact with many trail angels who will be giving me support in the keys and beyond, which is going to be incredibly helpful.

The views from the plane were amazing as it took off around sunset.

Then on January 1st, the border to border calendar year triple crown will begin! A year long adventure which involves walking across the country, from border to border, three times in one year. Totaling around 8,400 miles or even more depending on my exact route. I’ll be starting the trip on the east coast. Walking from Key West up to Canada. Then I’ll fly out west to continue my trip on the PCT and then CDT. I’m so excited to be attempting this insane journey, and so grateful for the support of my family, friends, The Trek, gear companies, and all of you guys! I’ll be making videos on Instagram and YouTube over the course of the journey if you’d like to follow along @madisonblagden.

Big puffy clouds as I flew to Ft Meyers.

The flight was short and sweet and the views were lovely the whole way.

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Comments 17

  • GKAustin : Dec 31st

    “There there is nothing like a wilderness journey for rekindling the fires of life.” Colin Fletcher.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year and smooth trails ahead on this epic journey.

  • Paul : Dec 31st

    You are amazing and an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your hikes with us. I wish you the best!

  • David Odell : Dec 31st

    Good luck on your journey. David Odell AT71 PCT72 CDT77

  • Shannon L DeRemus : Dec 31st

    I’m so excited to be heading out on another adventure with you. I look forward to reading about your journey.
    Good luck, stay safe and healthy.
    You got this. Much love from a loyal follower.

  • Eugene W Purdy : Dec 31st

    I have been following you since mid way through the Appalachian trail and have enjoyed all of your posts. I would love to do what you are doing but at 74 I a not sure it is possible although I do walk 3 to 5 miles when the weather allows it. Iowa weather can be so difficult. Good Luck on your hike, i will be following you and cheering you on from here.

  • Angel and Bruce : Dec 31st

    Nothing but the best for you. Looking forward to reading about your epic journey.
    PS. This is crazy .. we are in Ft Myers our paths semi crossed today. We might cross paths in the keys.

    • Peg Leg : Dec 31st

      Such a small world! Maybe see you in the keys, definitely say hello!

  • Jenny L : Dec 31st

    WOW! Just in awe of you and your heart. Knowing you finished the triple crown less than 2 months ago makes me shake my head and grin. You go girl and stay safe and healthy. So glad I have more Pegleg adventures to read so soon.

  • Anne : Dec 31st

    I’m so excited for your trip! Good luck-

  • Tom Sawyer 78 : Dec 31st

    Good luck….I’ll be following you here!

  • Wendy : Jan 1st

    You’re such an interesting writer – I’m looking forward to reading your adventures on this one! Wishing you all good!

  • Ed : Jan 1st

    What is the CYTC?

    • Jamie : Jan 1st

      I believe it means Calender Year Triple Crown. She’s going to do three huge hikes in one year!

    • yam : Jan 1st

      Calendar Year Triple Crown I bet

  • Ronald L Mittelman : Jan 1st

    Very excited for you.!!! Can’t wait to read your blogs and watch your videos. Even at my age, very inspirational journey. Happy New Year.!!!

  • Jamie : Jan 1st

    Peg, this is going to be epic! I can’t wait to read about it all. I think you are the best trail writer that I’ve ever read. I can’t believe you’re heading back out so quickly, but I’m sure glad that you are! Wish we were closer, my wife and I would love to help out. Unfortunately, you can’t really be a trail angel in Kentucky.

  • thetentman : Jan 1st

    Here we go again.

    Good luck.



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