Help Save Pisgah National Forest!
The Appalachian Trail crosses through the Pisgah National Forest, and is arguably one of the most beautiful sections hikers will encounter. Recently, according to the Southern Environment Law Center, the U.S. Forest Service has proposed to begin logging an area of more than 700,000 acres – an area larger than the entire Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
But there’s good news: We can stop this.
We, the taxpayers who give our money back to the government to maintain and preserve these extremely beautiful, biodiverse, and pristine lands, have a voice. You can sign a petition with the Western North Carolina Alliance, a game and land conservancy based in Asheville, North Carolina, and tell the government we will not stand for this. Take two seconds of your time and help save another forest from mindless destruction.
We will have our woods with trees, damnit.
For those who might not be familiar, please share your favorite photos from Pisgah National Forest in the comments below.
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