TR and Hip Aug 14
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Born in raised in Milwaukee, WI, which I wholeheartedly blame for my obsession with Packer football and good beer, I moved to Colorado for school and they haven't kicked me out yet. I spent almost a month of my summer from 10 years old to 15 at an Adventure Camp on the North Carolina / Virginia border, which inspired my love of backpacking. When I returned there last summer to work as a counselor, I was reconnected to the wilderness I had grown to love as kid. In addition to the outdoors, I enjoy writing and photography. I'm also the messiest popcorn eater you'll ever meet, can quote entire Disney movies without much effort, and am part of the 1% of the human population that can lick my elbow. The only other person I've ever met who could execute this feat is my boyfriend. I'm so excited to be working as the marketing intern for App Trials and reconnect to the trail anyway I can!