Hikers Get the Cops Called on Them
This morning we slept in until around 6am. We’re not in any sort of rush today, and are probably going to be camping some place random tonight. So the later in the day that we arrive, the better. It was absolutely freezing out this morning too! The last couple morning we woke up inside. Waking up and packing up in the cold is always harder.
I began to get moving slowly and we were all packed up pretty quick. And once we started chatting, the kitty from last night came back! I was relieved to see that she was happy and doing ok after the cold night. If I could have taken her in I would have. But it would have risked damaging basically everything I own. She was alright though, and as talkative as ever. We said goodbye to her and then headed out of the park.
Today we are beginning the so called “Mayo route”, coined by us. We’re road walking out of Lake Butler and toward Mayo. Walking through Providence and Ellisville along the way today. It was so cold as we got moving, fully bundled up in alpha layers, rain gear, and gloves. I could see my breath for the next few hours as we walked.
I was feeling good this morning and my new shoes were so comfortable and full of cushion. New shoes are the absolute best. We’re almost 700 miles into the hike, so it was the perfect time to switch. Usually my topo terraventure shoes last much longer. But I think the foam of the road style shoe just wears out a little bit quicker. I probably could have switched them out a couple hundred miles ago, a little before we got into Christmas. That might have been a good move. But better late than never.
As we walked the road I kept my hands in my gloves and pockets. The cold made my body feel a little stiff. But after a couple of hours I loosened up and the sun began to peek out. We got brief glimpses of it as we passed in and out of trees along the road. Soon it would be fully up and we would start to feel the rays.
Around 10:30am we passed through the small town of Providence. It had some logging operations and a couple small businesses that weren’t open, like a general store and a pizza place. There wasn’t much going on in the town and it seemed mostly residential. But we were only an hour or two away from Ellisville, which had a lot more to offer. While we were walking we went past a house with some horses out front. They were so friendly and came right up to the fence. One stuck its head way over and I got to give it some pets. It was so sweet.
By the time that we got to Ellisville I was pretty hungry and ready to stop off for a break. We’d gone about 16 miles for the day already. The road brought us past a dollar general, a Love’s rest stop, and some fast food places. But we had our eyes set on a Wendy’s a little further down the road, which was connected to a gas station. Once we got there we took a nice long break. I got a chicken sandwich, cheese fries, and a frosty cold brew. Which is exactly what it sounds like. A cold brew iced coffee with vanilla frosty poured into it. What a concept.
We hung out there for a while and ate and chilled out. I did some stretching and got to use the bathroom. It’s a real hassle finding places along the road to go pee. Then we set back out onto the road.
At least this time we were getting off of a main road and onto a quieter back road. We continued along that for the next 7-8 miles. There wasn’t a whole lot to look at along the road. But we did see some more horses and other animals. A few of the horses were showing off and running quickly through the grass, kicking their feet up as they went. Then we passed one house with alot of old signs in the yard and some unique structures. That was pretty cool. Besides that it was primarily just large ranches and some residential properties.
An hour later we got off of the paved road and onto a soft dirt road for a few miles. That was absolutely lovely and the ground felt so good under my feet. It was brief, but a nice change of pace. Around this time we noticed a sheriffs car driving slowly by us. Then another one. Then once we were on the dirt road, one more drove by. We were fairly certain that someone had called us into the local police. Perhaps thinking we looked out of place or suspicious. We certainly are out of place, as we are quite far off the actual trail. But they never stopped us or talked to us. Later one another one drove by us again. How odd. We saw more police vehicles today than we’ve seen in a week. Even with all of the road walking that we’ve been doing.
After a few miles we got off of the dirt road and back into pavement. But shortly after that we were on a bike path for the rest of the day. Which was great, as we’ve just been walking in the shoulder of the road all day long. I wound up talking to Sparkle on the phone. That is my girl! One of my favorite people in the whole world. She has so many exciting things happening in the near future and I’m so proud and happy for her. If you’ve enjoyed hearing about her in the past blogs, then you should definitely check her out in Instagram @sparklesummits.
By 5pm we passed by a dollar general which was our last “water source” of the day. I got two chocolate milks, a couple pieces of candy, and a bag of those Quaker chips. The sweet chile flavor is killer. Then we sat outside to drink our milks and I did some quick stretching. At this point we were about 30 miles in for the day, maybe a little more. And it was still nice and early.

The cookies and crème milk was ridiculously good! But it was reduced fat, so it had 40 less calories. Drinking 2 was a quick 640 calories though.
Now we just had to find a place to set up camp for the night! The bike path wasn’t blocked from the road by anything at all. And both sides of the road were covered in thick brush and prickers. We knew we would find something sooner or later. Not long after that we went by a church with a big grassy yard. We decided to check that out, as a lot of churches in Florida and Alabama will allow hikers to set up camp for the night.
There was a big grassy area so we decided to hang out for a little while. I was hoping that someone would be around for us to talk to. But no one ever came by in the half hour or so that we sat there. So after a while we just set up in the grass. There weren’t very many other options around, so this seemed to be as good a place as any.
I got my tent set up and then got inside to relax. I put things away and then did my stretching. Punisher gave me some coffee so that I can make a mocha tomorrow with carnation instant breakfast and hot chocolate. It’s supposed to get down to 20 degrees tonight! This time through Florida has been a trip. I got my stove ready for the morning and then put my water filter in my sleeping bag to prevent it from freezing. After all that I did my writing and video work before calling it a night. Everything was done before it was even 7:30pm! And we managed 33.8 miles today. Not too shabby.
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Comments 9
Yum! I’ll have to try that Frosty Cold Brew sometime. Love following along on your adventures Peg Leg!
It looks like it’s going to start warming up for you 2 on Sunday with 40 for low at night & 60’s during the day. Nice hiking weather starting tomorrow!
These updates are amazing! Best of luck with the Floridian law enforcement… I’m sure they’ve seen a lot of crazier stuff.
I just watched your your video it’s awesome! Thank u. Best of luck and stay safe!!🇺🇸💈
Your Jan. 25, ’25 post: Reminded me of the song* who knows where the road goes, where the day ends, …only time*.
Only traveling with the group vicariously, yet my feet are starting to hurt already.
“CDT”. Continental Divide Trail ?
Another great blog!! Thank you!!
You should download cash walk. Get paid to walk.
I have always wanted to tackle the West Coast trail but for health reason I’m not sure I ever will. Have you or anyone on here taken on that trail on Vancouver Island?