How to Support One Thru-Hiker’s Amazing Project + 9 Stunning Photos from the Trail
The following is a preview of a soon-to-be printed, limited edition photo book called Northbound. It’s a project put together by 2013 thru-hiker, Michael “Dumptruck” Wilson. The below excerpt from his Kickstarter page sums up the spirit of his project wonderfully:
“There was a moment on a mountaintop in Georgia, when I decided to look left instead of straight ahead. I saw an incredible landscape; a wilderness stretching for hundreds of miles. I followed the line of tree tops back from the horizon, tracing the curve of rock up to my own two feet. And then, to the people standing beside me.
I saw in their eyes the same view I had seen, but reflected in their own experience. We were all looking at the same thing, but each of us was seeing something different. It was in that moment that I knew the Appalachian Trail wasn’t just about craggy mountains, deep valleys and beautiful vistas. It was about the sweat, the laughter, the sore bodies, and the bright eyes of ordinary people who had decided to do an extraordinary thing.“
I asked Dumptruck to share a few of his favorite pictures from Northbound. They are below. After enjoying these wonderful pictures – please head over to his Kickstarter page.
A couple of items to note:
- The project’s goal has already been met. This is a good thing, because it ensures that you will in fact receive a book after donating.
- This is a limited edition book. Dumptruck says he will print no more than 500 of these bad boys. In other words, this will become an Appalachian Trail collector’s item. Can you say “best Christmas gift ever“?
Bonus – Northbound’s video trailer.
Northbound from Michael D Wilson on Vimeo.
Get your book here.
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