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I'm a self proclaimed unprofessional life coach. Let's keep this simple. I'm born and raised in New Jersey. The highlight of my time there was spending 1 month in Special Ed during elementary school. I moved to San Diego when I was 14. I'm fairly convinced that at least 100,000 thousand virgins were sacrificed to the San Diego weather gods. I'm trying to run away from this Satanic solar panel of a city that always has 69 degree weather of pure sunshine. I did go to college at University of California Riverside and got a BS in Business Administration. But what do you care? This blog is about the Appalachian Trail. That trail that stretches ~2,100 miles from Georgia to Maine. Witness my incognito inner hippy come out, read my nowhere stories, and be inspired by my terrible life advice. By terrible, I mean excellent. For example, my adventure on the Appalachian Trail will be one hell of a terrible experience. It will be totally titties. Tag along on my journey to see the trail from the mind of a "special" guy with mild outdoor experience. This will be interesting, I promise you that. I don't make detailed plans, have any sacred vows to keep, or have anywhere I need to be. I've put aside 6 months of my life for an open experience with one simple objective: follow the white blazes. If I start chasing a plastic bag and get lost, please help. www.trailjournals.com/affirm www.facebook.com/affirm2014