The Top Instagram Photos from the #AppalachianTrail This Week
We continue to peruse all of the wonderful pictures from Instagram with the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and select a few of the best each week. This week showcases large dose of ‘MURICA themed photos in honor of Independence Day.
If you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hash tag #AppalachianTrail (and #AppalachianTrials for extra bonus points).
Here is this week’s best pictures from the #AppalachianTrail (with the winner of the week at the bottom):
@bennetttravers, @mvbigtuna, and @annathe1banana getting their ‘MURICA on.
@eversincetoday spots some hiker trash (Lucas from Peaked Curiosity) living it up at a Wal-Mart parking lot
@joannaxvx and co. catching a much-needed snooze during a 4-day road trip
@jscottc with a gem from Beauty Spot
@feltsk finds a nice spot to post up for “first lunch”
@kevcasson would like you to know that this stream is the Trail
@john_trollinger and team doing work through one of the Trail’s rapid rivers
@craig_of_mountains getting their SOBO journey underway
@bgsul and the world’s best sunset
@fly522 in the wildflower fields of PA
@jak07h finds a tree straight out of Alice in Wonderland
@jamesfbush completes his NOBO thru-hike (#19)! Congratulations!!!
As does @alpacamark (thru-hiker #17), rocking the red, white + blue bottoms on 7/4! Well done.
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