The Best Instagram Photos from the #AppalachianTrail This Week
We continue to peruse all of the wonderful pictures from Instagram with the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and #AppalachianTrials and select a few of the best each week.
If you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and/or #AppalachianTrials (we give preference to this one). And follow Appalachian Trials on Instagram for even more AT love.
Here is this week’s best pictures from the #AppalachianTrail (with the winner of the week at the bottom):
Longhorn stomping ground #appalachiantrail View on Instagram
Following the light at the end of the tunnel. Crossing over I70 in Maryland. #mavsappalachianthruhike2014 #maryland #atsobo #atthruhiker2014 #appalachiantrail #AppalachianTrials #eodwf #eod_wf #eodwarriorfoundation
It’s finally over, 2,185 miles, 14 states 6 months to the day. This has been the most challenging/rewarding adventure of my life…(so far). Meeting dani has been the most unexpected and amazing part of the trail, she kept me going in the hard times and I’m looking forward to life in the real world together. God is good! View on Instagram
Appalachian Trails @tralemaster View on Instagram
My two favorite light sources, stars and camp fires. #OnTheTrail #RoanMountain #AppalachianTrail #AT #nature #starlight #longexposure #vacation #x100s #fuji #hiking #campfire
Silhouettes close to the peak #MtKatahdin #AppalachianTrail View on Instagram
14 states, 6 months in the woods, 2,185.3+ miles, one hell of a stormy finish… A piece of cake when you are with the one you love #wemadeit #appalachiantrail #2000milers #thefinalday #october8th #at2014 #appalachiantrials #thruhiker2014 #lifeisbetteroutside View on Instagram
Rolling farmland and fall colors in southwestern Virginia. #appalachiantrail #at2014 #fallcolors
#Appalachiantrail View on Instagram
#Katahdin , the northern terminus of the AT. Teton kisses the sign, feeling bittersweet, as he celebrates his completion and mourns the end of the adventure of a lifetime #appalachiantrail #AppalachianTrials #at2014 #thruhike14 #thruhiker2014 #thefinalday #october8th
Summit balloons. Cos who don’t like balloons? #appalachiantrail #appalachiantrials #thruhike2014 #hike #outdoors #nature #mountains #summit #balloons #takemebackpacking #ilovebackpacking #bpmag #meetthemoment #happyending #thankgodweredone View on Instagram
Grand central View on Instagram
Enjoying the hell out of some of the best unexpected trail magic in the 100 mile wilderness. #appalachiantrail #thruhike2014 #hike #trailchat #trailmagic
Dear Mount Tecumseh…we were not together long, and you were a bit smaller than I expected. I felt like I was just getting warmed up by the time you were done. Although I did have a nice time, I’m going to cross you off my list. 48 fish in this mountainous sea, and I still have 25 more waiting for me. #at2015 #appalachiantrials #appalachiantrailtraining #whitemountains #48fourthousandfooters View on Instagram
Today’s trail: flat, non- rocky, dirt, blissful. #dukesontheat #appalachiantrailsobo #appalachiantrials #appalachiantrail
How did I get up here??!! #appalachiantrail #appalachiantrials #thruhike2014 #maine #katahdin View on Instagram
Nailed it. #appalachiantrials #appalachiantrail #thruhike #thruhiker #thruhike2014 #hikertrash #frostbeard #beard #hireme
The AT gave us all it had in the 100 mile wilderness, but we emerged triumphant as the sun broke over Mt. Katahdin, veiled in clouds as viewed from Abol Bridge. It took 6 months and over 2000 miles to reach this point. What a rewarding view. One of the best of the who journey. The photo doesn’t come close to doing it justice. Several miles and a fair amount of celebratory beers stand between us and the summit. #appalachiantrail #thruhike2014 #hike #appalachiantrials #outdoors #adventure #mountains #takemebackpacking #trailchat #ilovebackpacking #rei1440project #meetthemoment View on Instagram
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