The Top Instagram Photos from the #AppalachianTrail This Week
We continue to peruse all of the wonderful pictures from Instagram with the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and #AppalachianTrials and select a few of the best each week.
This week we take a look at photos snapped between 12/15/14 – 12/22/14.
If you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and/or #AppalachianTrials (we give preference to this one). And follow Appalachian Trials on Instagram for even more AT love.
Here is this week’s best pictures from the #AppalachianTrail:
I bet you can’t guess where @missionborn is!
@jenniegirl9 eats a proper post-hike feast at the iconic Doyle hotel in Duncannon, PA.
There’s no diet like the Hiker Diet. Just look at @gopaddlefaster. You can’t argue with those results.
@julieyuds has been gifted a veritable AT shrine should she ever feel the need to appease the trail gods.
Classic Appalachia. Photo courtesy of @alp1527.
@krudmeister and the Strange Loop continue south.
@paulbaboon looking as manly as humanly possible.
It seems @wisco_wanderer managed to photograph bliss.
Now let’s bring on the snow.
@brocarcj finds that even Smoky Mountain rangers have gotten into the holiday spirit.
Another courtesy of @brocarcj. Couldn’t resist this hauntingly beautiful shot.
A gorgeous snowscape courtesy of our friends at @appalachiantrail.
@ck_images traverses a snow-covered Franconia Ridge.
@trailtosummit conquers Carter Dome and finished bagging the 48 New Hampshire 4K peaks! I think congratulations are in order.
Ever wondered what it looks like to travel across the Presidentials in December? Let @fly522 give you a taste with this gorgeous series of photos. Too epic to pick just one!
Be sure to check back next week for more of that sweet, delicious #Appalachian Trail Instagram goodness!
And remember if you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and/or #AppalachianTrials (we give preference to this one). And follow Appalachian Trials on Instagram for even more AT love.
// BRAND NEW Appalachian Trials Tees coming your way. Check them out. //
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