Interview with Appalachian Trail Speed Record Holder, Scott Jurek [Video]
Last week I had the opportunity of sitting down with Appalachian Trail supported speed record holder, legendary ultramarathon runner, noted vegan, and author, Scott Jurek.
During our nearly hour long conversation, we touched upon an array of topics, everything from what inspired him to take on the Appalachian Trail, how he overcame a torn quadriceps during his record breaking thru-hike, nutritional tips and favorite vegan meals / snacks on the trail, to what he has to say to his critics who think he was moving too fast to enjoy his journey, his controversial summit at Katahdin and what he thought of Baxter State Park’s response.
The videos are separated into different five sections. The first captures some of the highlights of our conversation. If you’re pressed for time, this is where I recommend starting. The remaining videos offer the full interview broken into four parts.
Scott Jurek Interview Highlights
Full Interview: Part 1
In this video, Scott Jurek answers questions related to his background, inspiration for taking on the Appalachian Trail, why he hiked northbound, his interest in a self-supported FKT (and his awe for Heather “Anish” Anderson), the difference between setting an ultramarathon course record and the AT speed record, how the AT differed from his expectations, and how he was able to battle through a torn quadriceps during his record setting thru-hike.
Full Interview: Part 2
In this video, Scott Jurek answers if he ever asked himself, “why am I doing this?”, offers goal setting tips and advice on how to achieve the mental fortitude necessary for success, what mantras he used during his thru-hike, advice to thru-hikers on how they can improve their nutrition, and standout favorite vegan meals and snacks.
Full Interview: Part 3
In this video, Scott Jurek shares his favorite supergreens supplement, what he has to say to his critics who argue that he was moving too fast to enjoy the hike, the biggest misconceptions about him and his hike, what his sleep schedule looked like, how many photos he estimates taking during his journey, and the top highlight and lowlight from his hike.
Full Interview: Part 4
In this video, Scott Jurek touches upon his controversial summit at Katahdin and if he would do anything differently if given the opportunity, if he thinks more ultrarunners will be taking on the Appalachian Trail speed record, his crew- the size, their roles, etc., and if he has any intentions of taking on another long trail at a non-FKT pace.
I’d like to extend a sincere thank you to Scott Jurek for being so generous with his time. If you’re interested in learning more about Scott, his background, incredible ultramarathon career, and an inside look into what makes him tick, I highly recommend his book Eat and Run. It’s chock full of inspiration, running tips and techniques, plus his favorite vegan recipes.
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Comments 7
The true hiking community needs to stop glamorizing this man who nearly destroyed relations with Baxter State Park, and almost took away the grand finale of the AT from future thru-hikers with his commercial stunt.
His feat was truly superhuman, and very commendable, but he just blew away his credibility as a responsible user and ambassador of the trail – when he had a stellar opportunity to make a positive example instead. Very disappointing, especially considering the fractured relations with Baxter State Park.
You guys and the park are a bunch of whiners. He tried to do a positive thing. Cut him some slack. Everyone’s expectations are way too high all the time. RELAX.