Introducing Backpacker Radio by The Trek! Episode #1: The Real Hiking Viking
We are thrilled to introduce Backpacker Radio, a new podcast co-hosted by Zach “Badger” Davis and Juliana “Chaunce” Chauncey, brought to you by The Trek. Much like The Trek, Backpacker Radio is dedicated to all things thru-hiking and long-distance backpacking, but delivered to your ears.
This podcast is a work in progress. We will continue to experiment with different formats, concepts, segments, and topics until we’re bringing you the consistent high-quality trail musings, advice, and entertainment you’ve come to expect from The Trek. And for that reason, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please send your comments to [email protected].
In this first episode, we sit down with serial thru-hiker and bonafide crazy person, The Real Hiking Viking aka Jabba aka Tom Gathman. The Real Hiking Viking is a triple crowner, most notably known for thru-hiking the AT southbound in the dead of winter.
In this first episode, topics discussed include:
- How Badger and Chaunce know each other (apply to be a Blogger for The Trek here)
- Chaunce’s NOBO PCT hike
- Badger’s SOBO PCT hike
- The Real Hiking Viking’s hiking resume
- How the marines shaped The Real Hiking Viking’s hiking prowess
- The Barkley Marathons on Netflix
- Why The Real Hiking Viking has so many gd Instagram Stories
- Altra Timps (Jabba’s current go to trail runner)
- Jabba’s least favorite trail
- The Real Hiking Viking’s PCT Gear List
- Mountain bikes on the PCT
- PCT Southern Terminus Host
- The Top Hostels on the Appalachian Trail
- The Badger Sponsorship 2018
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Give us your feedback at [email protected].
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Comments 9
This is v exciting! I’m currently making my way through Sounds of the Trail podcast but they mysteriously stopped making episodes. This will fill the thruhiking podcast void.
brilliant! Looking forward to the next one
This was great, and so relevant for me! Looking forward to future episodes!
Subscribed! Nice work, guys.
I have seen hiking Viking posts. So you agree videos of cussing and drinking is how a hiker acts? Clean up his act . Not all hikers post many back to back videos of cussing and acting like a collage kid.
Hi there RHV
to clarify the confusion about the bill S.3205
this bill lets NON MOTORIZED vehicles into wilderness areas not motorcycles or other non human powered vehicles and this is only done with local official land manager approval and park by park bases.
While back (1984) for some reason bikes were excluded from wilderness areas by a blanket prohibition. Which was not the case when Wilderness Act was signed in 1964
this bill is not a blanket that lets all things with wheels and motors into all the wilderness once it (if) passes
What if trail workers could get to maintain trail with bikes that can carry them and tools to more remote places to do trail maintenance. Do you guys think this would be OK? well they can’t do this now.
And as for mountain bikers damaging trail more than hikers it is a myth, there has been many studies done in the past that prove this to be incorrect, most trail damage is done by ……. erosion and water. Equestrians also are a big contributor to trail.
Also IMBA is slowly coming apart, they are no longer a member supported organization they are becoming an industry sponsored organization and they are OK with E-MTBs and that is a much bigger threat to wilderness and other protected places.
Anyway if you are in New England and feel like want to enjoy some mountain biking, let me know I can show you around
keep up posting to Instagram, love your stories
In what ways are horses more destructive?
LOVED IT! Definitely looking forward to listening to these episodes during my hike this year!