It’s Time For A Shake Down! Am I ready?

Backpack-packed. Physical preparation-complete.

Mental toughness-acquired. I am ready. Yet, I have so many questions.

I backpacked for a week on the Foothills Trail in March and it was a highlight of my year. I thrive on adventure. So, it’s time for the shake down!

I have been living aboard and sailing Avemar (our Liberty 38 sailboat) with Bill since May of this year. I have sailed high seas in high winds, pushing through my fears. I have climbed mountains in pain, pushing my body. I know I am ready.

But, when I lay my head on my pillow at night my mind starts to pester me. What about the bone in your foot that was broken back in February? Have you considered the cost of an accident? What if your job isn’t there when you return? What if? What if? What if?

Ruminating has been a lifelong challenge for me.

I am learning to see ruminating as a strength. I am a thinker, a minor league philosopher.

My most productive thinking sessions happen while I am at the helm during my night shift from 1am to 4am. I have done battle with many of my demons there.

One of the best books I read this year was A Philosophy of Walking by Frederic Gros. Gros tells the stories of overthinking writers who put their words to paper as they walked. The power of peregrinations.  If you love walking and reading, then you should read the book. It has stories that are hard to believe about authors you have read, but didn’t know much about.

Were they ready every time they set out? Hell no.

Am I really ready?

No. I don’t think there are many hikers setting out on the Appalachian Trail this year who are truly ready. And, even if a hiker is ready, the unexpected is just around the corner.

I had never broken a bone in my life. And it happened to me the month before my first backpacking adventure. Life taught me a lesson in embracing the challenges. I hiked 53 miles of the Foothills Trail five days after getting my cast removed. My doctor gave me the green light and told me to listen to my body. I did exactly as I was told. It was disappointing.

We had intended for that hike to be my first thru-hike. And I didn’t make it all the way. But I felt triumphant at the end when we found out the universe wanted me to celebrate. I celebrated my 53rd birthday on that trip. Did you remember the number of miles I hiked? I have tears in my eyes writing these words. Thank you, Universe. Thank you, God. Thank you, Bill. Just THANK YOU.

On December 27th, we will do our shake down hike, again on the Foothills Trail. This time we are hiking The End of Days hike. It will be my first group hike. I am eager to get started.

Peopling is a challenge for me.

I have been doing my homework and am growing into the social aspect every day. I look forward to facing the challenges of the Foothills Trail again with other hikers like me: novices. Hiking with Bill is amazing, but he is an expert who grew up hiking and last year, hiked from Amicalola Falls to Hot Springs. It is hard to keep up with him, even though he chooses to hike with me at my pace. 

I am a finisher

I have run a marathon and 13 half marathons. I am a finisher.

To prepare for my Appalachian Trail thru-hike, I have trained with a professional trainer for three months to increase my muscle mass, especially around my knees that have faced three surgeries. I have hiked with my full backpack up and down the east coast at every stop Avemar made since May. In some communities I got the stink eye from people because they thought I was a vagrant.

I have researched and tested all the foods I will eat. I have mentally embraced all the challenges I know I will face (like finding nutrition at a gas station!). I have tested my braces, so I am ready to support my joints.

Bill and I have hiked together and discussed obstacles we might face with each other (and admitted there will be some that blindside us!).

This shake down hike will fill in some of the knowledge gaps. So, am I ready? No. Am I hiking my hike? Hell, YES!



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Comments 8

  • Jess : Dec 23rd

    April you’re doing ALL the work! I’m betting on you next year for sure. Can’t wait to read all about your shakedown group hike! You got this 🙂

    • April Maria : Dec 25th

      Thank you, Jess! We are on our way! I can’t wait to write about this hike!

  • Suzanne : Jan 7th

    You are so inspiring. You could be in a Just Do It commercial. Haha. So excited for you. Love reading your writing. Exited to read more.

    • April Maria : Jan 8th

      Thank you for the encouragement, Suzanne! I cannot wait to get this show on the road! Strengthening my knees one last time for the next six week. And getting the weight of my pack DOWN to 25 pounds if at all possible!

  • Wendy : Jan 8th

    O looking forward to your hike! You sound like a real trooper! I like to hear how people struggle thru & make it thru! And I like to hear Bill will go at your pace -ab excellent hiking partner for you! Have fun & I’ll be watching for you! You’re a good writer!!

    • April Maria : Jan 10th

      Thank you for the encouragement, Wendy! You’re right, Bill is an excellent hiking partner! I hope my struggles will encourage other newbies to just put their shoes on and hike their hike!

  • Cam "Peebz" Bourne : Feb 1st

    I got some looks with my fully loaded pack on the treadmill the other day. The bottom line is, those onlookers have no idea how badass you are, or what an unbelievable adventure lies ahead. Keep blazing ahead, and see you out there!

    • April Maria : Feb 2nd

      Thank you, Cam! Today, I needed that encouragement more than usual. See you on the trail!


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