Kayla Leisenheimer Wants Badger Sponsorship Powered by LARABAR

Alright Appalachian Trials Nation, it’s up to you!

If you want Kayla Leisenheimer to win this year’s Badger Sponsorship Powered by LARABARsimply click the Facebook like button below.

And just as a reminder, the grand prize winner will receive…

This year, your vote will count for 50% of the video’s final score (the other half will be decided by our Expert Panel).  Voting ends sharply at 11:59 pm EST on Monday, January 19th.

You can vote for  (i.e. “Like”) as many videos as you want, so be sure to check out the other Badger Sponsorship 2015 Powered by LARABAR video submissions.

To receive updates on vote totals during the contest, simply subscribe to the Appalachian Trials weekly newsletter at the bottom of this post.

And super-mega huge thank you to all of our sponsors, for without you, none of this is possible…

Title Sponsor

Community Sponsors

Innate Logo 2015


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