When Life Gives You Lemons

When Life Gives you Lemons…

All you can do is just make some lemonade. Memorial Day weekend marks one year from when I made my first steps on the AT for my thru-hike attempt. A lot has happened in these last 365 days with making a big move out to Oregon and creating plans to do some more thru-hikes.

I have had a few bumps in the road lately and have not stuck to my original plans to thru-hike the Lost Coast Trail. But, Hey life is just a roller coaster and sometimes you have to take the road less traveled. In doing so, I have created a new plan to hike over 320 miles throughout the 2017 hiking season and compete in 3 10K’s and 1 5K races. This will be for a grand total of 342 miles.

Planned Trips

For 2017 I plan on doing 7 major overnight trips with 1 section hike. Living in Bend, OR it makes life pretty sweet with all the opportunities to explore the cascades and high deserts. I plan on section hiking sections 1-6 of the Oregon Desert Trail this fall for a total of 161+ miles. Other than that the majority of the trips I am planning will be shorter weekend warrior type trips ranging from the Three Sisters Loop, Mill Creek Wilderness Loop, Lower Deschutes River Trail, and a few others. I am also planning a small bike packing trip in the Oregon Cascades as well.


I look forward to writing more about my gear options, trip planning, food, and just life in general too.r

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