Meeting a Murderer and Thru Hiking Through Talahassee
This morning we left our quiet little tent site around 6am and started walking. Right before we left, Punisher found a tick on his wrist! It had bitten down so he had to use tweezers to get it off. And it did not seem like an easy task. Typically though it takes a bit longer for a tick to latch on and actually transfer anything over to you, so that’s good at least.
We began walking along the road in the dark once more. And walked for about an hour or two before a car pulled over. The guy inside was talking to Punisher and then gestured over to me. I didn’t recognize him at first, but then realized it was Wing Man! I met him down here in 2023 and he brought us cold drinks and McDonald’s! What a legend. He also gave his info to 9 Lives earlier this year so that I could reach out if I needed help. But I had totally forgot.
He gave us cold mountain dew’s which were such a great way to start the day. There’s nothing like a Mountain Dew before 8am. Then we just continued along the road. We had another 6-7 miles to go before we would pass through the small town of Newport. Which was apparently built after a neighboring town was destroyed in a hurricane. They moved the town entirely and established Newport. At least that’s what Wing Man told us this morning!
Once again my headphones were giving me issues today. I think they just aren’t charging properly anymore. Fortunately we’ll be passing a Walmart in Tallahassee, so I’ll be able to get a new pair. Music is something that really helps me during the day. Being able to listen to something and zone out is crucial. I plan to listen to a lot of audiobooks this year as well. That’s a goal of mine for the year. To listen to as many books as possible and expand my mind.
Around 10:30am we got into the next town and walked by a couple gas stations. Then stopped off at a Circle K to grab something to eat. I got a corn dog, a donut, and a Yoo-hoo to consume right away. Then a Gatorade and and an uncrustable for the road. We would be going by another gas station and small town in just a handful more miles though.
There wasn’t much shoulder as we walked along the road this morning. We just had to alternate between walking in the grass when cars passed by, then hopping back onto the pavement when we could. The grass is softer on your feet. But is usually quite overgrown and lumpy.
While we walked I wound up talking to my mom and we got to catch up. We wound up laughing about a bunch of things which was delightful. It feels so good to laugh. And I’ve been doing so much of it lately. That’s just dang good for the soul. I can’t believe that today is the end of the 4th week on trail! How on earth has a month already passed by. It feels unbelievably fast. But also so slow at the same time. It’s funny how that always seems to happen on trail. Each day is the longest one you can imagine. So full of unique experiences and adventure. And yet the time just flies away right before your eyes.
It wasn’t long until we passed through the next small town. We didn’t really need anything though, and just continued along. But not long after this we were able to get onto a bike path. Which we stayed on for most of the remainder of the day. That was a great change of pace.
We changed our route for the day a bit after we realized that the south west portion of Tallahassee is the most “dangerous”. But still have to skirt through there to some extent. It’s unavoidable. But we’re hoping to avoid the worst of it. The bike path seems like a safer option, versus walking through the less savory parts of town along the road.
As the day went on, we got closer and closer into the city. And I was pleasantly surprised that our route was working out well. We passed a tent set up along the bike path. And then a couple slightly questionable looking people. But nobody bothered us or really paid us any mind. After a little while we got into a busier part of town which helped as well.
Our route brought us further into Tallahassee and right past a Whataburger. So we decided to stop off there around 4pm for an early dinner. When we first walked in there was a guy standing up front who chatted us up. He was nice enough and was blown away by what we were doing. After we ordered we sat down. Then this same man had mentioned he hadn’t eaten in days. I offered to buy him lunch, which he turned down. He said he had been dealing with food poisoning for days. But more likely he wanted money instead, to buy something other than food.
He wound up sitting nearby and talking to us some more. Truly he seemed like an unassuming and perfectly nice guy. Then he started to tell us a bit about himself, and boy did it escalate quickly from there. He said he had just gotten out of prison a couple weeks ago. After serving a 22 year sentence, for double homicide. I won’t go into the details that he said in person, as it was quite graphic. But he explained that something terrible had been done to a young child in his family. And he repaid the debt by killing the two men involved. It was wild to sit there and listen to such a tale. As we drank our Whataburger Mexican hot chocolate flavored milkshakes.
He then proceeded to give some further detail and talk about his time after getting out. Which has understandably been very hard. He doesn’t have any money and is living on the streets so it seems. Punisher had some change and gave it to him. After talking to him more it became clear that he was the type of person you didn’t want to cross. He was nice and personable to us. But detailed times when he had contemplated getting violent with strangers over something as little as a woman giving him 3 pennys when he asked for money. Which he said he didn’t do, specifically because he doesn’t hit women. It was hard to keep a straight face and just calmly listen the whole time. But we did a great job.
After a few minutes he got up and began to leave. And even said that he was keeping up in his prayers as we continued north. Then shook both of our hands. I don’t know if I had ever shaken hands with a man before who had previously killed two people. There’s always a first for everything though.
Not long after that we got our food and dug on in. Everything was great, and we just kept talking about what had just happened. It’s crazy the amount of information that a stranger will share with you so quickly. Then after eating we only had another couple of miles to go.
We continued along the road and had to walk in a bike path on a pretty busy highway briefly. Then got back onto sidewalks around a shopping area. We called it a day outside of a Panera bread. Then called an uber to take us to a motel about 7 miles down the road. It was a little out of range for us to walk there. But this way we can just uber back here tomorrow and continue along north.
Once we got to the motel we got checked in. This place even has laundry! And is only $85 a night. So we showered up and started a load. I haven’t done laundry since around Paisley when Fresh Ground was down here. And haven’t done both shower and laundry in the same day since back in Clewiston. About 500 miles ago. This was a real treat.
Then we spent the rest of the night relaxing in the room and watching movies. I got writing done and video work which was great. And it felt so good to just lounge and do nothing at all. My body felt really good today though, especially my feet!
This is the end of week 4 of the border to border calendar year triple crown! We did 209 miles this week. Still maintaining our 30 mile a week average. Even counting two nero days and the day in the swamp. That takes the total miles to 824 and change over the last 28 days. We’re off to an incredible start.
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Comments 9
If you’re still close to St. Marks/ Tallahassee, I’ll treat you guys to a meal at Riverside Cafe. It’s at the other end of the bike trail so you’d probably want to Uber or Lyft down there. I won’t be there ( I live out of state now) but I’ll call the owner before you go and do it over the phone. He’s really nice too. It’s on the river. The people are super friendly and fun. It’s really a cool place. Email me if you get this while you’re still in the area.
Thank you so much Julie! Unfortunately the route we’re on is going to take us a bit more north of there, as we connect up to Alabama. But I really appreciate the offer! That is so incredibly kind of you.
Glad you’re going through that area with Punisher! Fun to see how you find enjoyment whatever the situation! Congratulations to you & Punisher on your first month of hiking! & making it past the hives! Getting close to Georgia & Alabama. I’m in northern Alabama/Muscle Shoals so I’ll be interested in how you do here but the weather is spring-like here starting today 60’s & next week a few days of 70’s! Have fun before you get to the Smokies & snow!
You are awesome PL. You had my heart rate spiraling reading about your encounter with the newly released convict. Phew. You handled that so well. He probably thought you looked like a homeless comrade 🤣. I know that shower was bliss and that bed will feel like paradise 🤩. Sweet dreams ❤️
Good morning PL!! . I just want to thank you, once again, for taking us all along with you! It’s difficult to convey just how great it is to read your tales at 3am!
Quite an experience. Wow. You just never know who you’re going to run into. Be vigilant.!!
I mentioned I was familiar with Perry, FL and I have to say that the only time in my life where I was a bit worried about my personal safety, was there. Won’t go into the story, but I was definitely intimidated and glad to leave.
Keep on trekking my friend.!!
Say, I think I saw you guys at a Publix in the Keys just after New Year’s. I almost said hi because you guys certainly looked like thru-hikers, & I’ve hiked a couple trails myself. You were already talking to some folks & I didn’t want to bother you. Good luck with your hike.
The last time something like the violent guy happened to me: I was in Gulfport, MS maybe a year ago, hiking several miles while my wife was at a safe laundromat doing our clothes. Several rough, impaired dudes hanging out in front of a convenience store without a name (no kidding). 1 guy starts hustling me for money. I politely turned him down. He kept jawing. I kept walking. Then he let me know he was done asking. I give him money or suffer the consequences. I know much better than to carry a wallet in these neighborhoods, but stupid me – I had my wallet on me with $140 in it. I gave him a $20 & he was satisfied. To this day, I’m stunned I was allowed to keep the other $120. I was a block past him & this convenience store, & 3 of the rough dude “witnesses” then threatened him & got my $20 off of him…which they then kept for themselves. Oh well.
I’m glad you’re safe!
Be careful out there! 🙂🙂
Hey PL! Congratulations on month 1. What’s your go to music?