Meeting an Absolute Trail Legend

This morning I was up around 4:30am and began to pack up. I could hear Fresh Ground cooking and could see Punisher’s red light on in his tent. We’re having a nice early start because it’s going to take a half an hour to drive back to the trailhead at Juniper Springs.

I ate some pancakes and drank a hot coffee and some orange juice. Then packed out a breakfast burrito and a burger to take with me on the road today. This is officially our last meal in Florida with the one and only Fresh Ground. I can truly say that I feel like I’m with my close family when we’re together. He has been down here for 3 weeks helping hikers. And I feel honored to have been one of them.

A shot up stop sign alongside the road. Classic Florida.

The last handful of days he has been up here with Punisher and I, helping us in every way he can. For that I will be forever grateful. His support has helped me more than I could ever express. Not just by keeping me well nourished and fed, but with his kindness, energy, and amazing sense of humor. I have been cackling like a hyena for weeks now. And I absolutely love it. It feels so good to laugh like this, all day everyday. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.

After we ate, we loaded everything into the van. Then left Paisley once more and drove over to Juniper Springs. In the car I finished off my coffee and OJ, then we were ready to go! It was sad saying goodbye. These last few weeks have been incredible. But it also felt easy, because I know we will be seeing Fresh Ground soon! By the time that we reach the AT he will be feeding the Nobo hikers. For the next 4 weeks we will be motivated to push on with thoughts of amazing food and such good times ahead, with truly one of the best humans that is on this planet. Anyone could try to drive around and feed hikers. But no one could do it like Fresh Ground. He is one in a million in every way. Those who know him know how true that is.

Passing a large Florida trail marker.

Once we said goodbye we began walking into the dark. Along a main road briefly, and then we got off of that road and onto a quiet dirt track. We are taking a mixture of trail and road today. There’s really rough winter weather rolling in tomorrow. So we want to enjoy the beautiful Ocala National Forest, and also get to town fairly early tomorrow. We will do some road this morning and then hop back on and enjoy the lovely trail. It felt like a good compromise between both realities of this thru hike. We do have places to be, but there are also alot of great things to see.

The first handful of hours flew by as we walked the road. It was quite aside from the occasional car. But boy, was it cold! I have my alpha 90 pants and top on under my full rain gear. I managed to walk like that for hours. Then eventually warmed up and took only my rain jacket off. But there were times in the next hour or so that I wished I’d put it back on.

It was a really easy start to the day, with the occasional small hill to climb. I listened to music, did a bit of writing, and then spent the rest of the time talking to Punisher. I’m having a really good time hiking together. If you’d have told me a few months ago that I’d be hiking with someone else this year, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s crazy to think that we both started the same long hike this year, and on the same day. Trail’s pretty magical, and it’s cool to see how things work out.

Some beautiful large trees over hanging the trail.

After a few hours we got off the road and were on nice pine trail for the next couple of hours. While we walked I had a bit of a realization. When I passed through this area on the ECT, Nimblewill was down here in the national forest. He camped in the National forest and got to see hikers. But I walked right past his camp without even realizing!  So I decided to text him to see if he was still down here, and if so, then where? It turns out he was set up 6 miles ahead of us when I asked him. We almost missed him! What an amazing surprise that we get to see that absolute trail legend later on today. I was ecstatic. We’ve spoken a couple of times on the phone before, but we have never met in person.

The pine forest today was such a delight to hike through.

As we continued along walking I ate my breakfast burrito which was great. Then around 11:30am we got to the 88 Store. An iconic resupply location in the Florida trail. It also marks where the trail reconnects between the Orlando West and Orlando East routes. I didn’t need any food but went in to grab a drink and use the bathroom. Then we sat outside and wound up talking to Fresh Ground who was calling on his drive home to North Carolina.

One last meal from Fresh Ground! The breakfast burrito that I packed out for the trail.

While we were sitting outside the store another hiker arrived. We talked to them and got ready to hike on. And while we were standing there talking, they pulled something out of their backpack and told us they had found it on the ground alongside the road. When I saw it, I was immediately at a loss for words. They were holding a large sex toy in their hand, and said they had just found it and were not entirely sure what it was. I told them that it was pretty obvious what it was and that I was shocked they were touching it with their bare hands! But they didn’t really seem to care and just thought it was funny. I was dying laughing at this point because of the whole situation and the fact that in the short time they spoke to us I watched them touch every square inch of that thing. You don’t know where that has been! This is exhibit A of why hikers fist bump one another instead of high-fiving. I guess you never know where someone’s hands have been.

The sign for the 88 Store.

We left shortly after that and spent the next 10 or so minutes dying laughing. What an unexpected and odd event. Some things just don’t gross certain people out, I guess. We’re all different! And that’s ok. But oh boy did that have me bent over laughing. I would’ve never seen that one coming.

Punisher up ahead on the trail.

From there we only had another hour or so until we got to Nimblewill’s set up. He had a sign out on the trail and was set up just off of it. There was a fire going and he had water, glass bottle Coke’s, snickers, and some other snacks. When we walked up he was so happy. It felt like reuniting with an old friend even though we had never met before. We spoke a couple of times when I was on the eastern continental trail. A trail which he was the first person to ever complete. We hugged and he was emotional by us being there. I felt honored to be in the presence of a legend who has hiked more miles than most people ever will. Probably over 60,000 in his lifetime. He is also currently the oldest person to ever have hiked the AT, back in 2021 when he was 82.

The sign for Camp Nimblewill. What an amazing surprise for today.

We spent the next hour at least, sitting with him and talking. Sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company. He told us repeatedly how proud he is of us and what we’re doing. And the emotion behind that statement was so clear. He is such a kind and humble man.

What an honor it was to spend time with such a legend from the thru hiking community, and one of the kindest and gentlest humans you could ever meet.

I sat in a chair by the fire and drank a delicious real coke in a glass bottle. Then ate a snickers bar. The conversation was effortless and could have gone on for ages. Nimblewill has lived such an epic life and has so much experience to share. I wish that we could have spent the whole day there, just enjoying his company. And I hope that our paths will cross some time very soon.

Nimblewill and I! What a dream it was to finally meet him and spend so much time together talking.

We had arrived a little before 1pm and left around 2pm. Which didn’t feel like nearly enough time. But because of this storm tomorrow we still have to do another 13 or so miles today. And we’ve already gone 23 miles today! Leaving there we walked along the trail some more. Then after a while we got out onto another road. This would save us a little time and make it possible to get into town relatively early tomorrow morning.

Saying goodbye to Nimblewill.

Those next couple of hours actually went by quickly as we walked the road. Passing the time talking and laughing makes the time just fly by. We even talked to Fresh Ground again briefly. He told us about his plans to see us when we get onto the AT. And has some incredible surprises in store to help us celebrate that moment. I think he wants to do his best to motivate us for the next 4 weeks until we get there. But I’m feeling really good and the miles are coming easy. The over arching goal is still enough to keep me motivated every day. But, it never hurts to have an even sooner goal! Like eating another amazing meal with Fresh Ground on the AT.

Walking by a large body of water just off the road.

As it got later in the day it was already becoming cold. I wound up putting my alpha layers back on and even my rain jacket. The high today was 45 degrees, which was nice enough in the sun midday. I just wore my shorts and sun hoodie for a while. But it’s going to get down to 38 degrees tonight. Once I was bundled up I was very comfortable. Then we continued along the road.

The trail passed over a bridge alongside a canal.

Around 4:30pm we popped out of the woods and turned onto a paved road. We went from seeing nobody, to seeing a bunch of cars at a recreation area. Tons of people were out fishing and enjoying the day. We stopped off to fill up water there by a bathroom building. Then kept it moving. We had basically set our mileage goal for the day as of then. And after that we just walked for another couple of miles until we found a nice place to camp.

The trail went across this big flat section, with a steep drop off on either side. On our left was a dirt road below and a river. Which went out to a Locke up ahead. The trail crossed right through the Locke. We walked that flat path for a mile or so until it brought us closer to the river. Then found a nice flat spot in the trees to get set up. It wound up being a 36.29 mile day. Not too shabby. And I think yesterday felt more tiring than this. Today the miles felt easy, and it certainly didn’t feel like that long of a day!

One of my favorite sections of trail. The perfectly flat path, surrounded by a canopy of beautiful old trees.

It was still light out when we got set up. And once my tent was situated I got inside to make dinner. We’ve been fed so frequently that this is my first time using my camp stove for the whole trip! I ate a Bowl&Kettle meal a week ago but used a real stove to boil the water. Tonight I ate another Bowl&Kettle meal and so did Punisher. We both randomly picked the same one to eat too. And it was so dang good! The chicken tikka masala was so well seasoned and chicken was even charred. Plus it came with a tiny pouch of parsley. These meals are so high quality and are absolutely incredible. I ate every last bite.

After that I did some video work and then a whole lot of writing. And even still I was done stretching and doing my work by 8pm. I love a nice early night, and I love being on trail in my tent. It feels so good. I’m so incredibly happy to be out here. And I’m having the time of my life, which is so awesome.

Tomorrow we only have about 9 or so miles to walk in the morning. Hopefully we magically beat the rain. And we’re actually walking straight to someone’s house just outside of Palatka. A guy reached out to Punisher and offered to help us out. So he is opening his RV to us to stay in for the day and do a Nero day! That way we aren’t walking in 34 degrees and freezing rain. I’m so excited for that. Plus apparently he bought all kinds of goodies for us for our “day off”. I’m so excited for a nice relaxing day and being able to avoid the bad weather. This will be my shortest day yet for the year.   

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Comments 10

  • Jabez : Jan 21st

    Treat to meet Nimblewill! Great for you! I met him on the Pinhoti 3 years ago and he signed his book 10 million steps I carried for couple days for that reason. U r doing amazing! 🥾

  • Wendy : Jan 21st

    I’ll have to get Nimblewill’s book – haven’t heard of him but it sounds like an interesting story & man.

  • thetentman : Jan 21st

    So nice you got to meet Nomad. I gave him trail magic at the Elk Pen parking lot when he did the AT the first time long ago. I am mentioned in Ten Million Steps. He would not sit down in the chairs I provided even though offered many times. I found out why when I read the book, it was because his feet hurt so bad that he was afraid that if he sat he would not get up.

    Thanks for the post.


  • Lin : Jan 22nd

    Another fantastic post. I feel like I’m right there with you ❤️. What a treat to meet Nimblewill – what a great set up he has and that awesome beard …..! I’m sure Fresh Ground is missing you as much as you’re missing him but I know your paths will cross again soon. 38 degrees sounds like a heat wave to me right now 🤣 it’s -9 here with a high of 16. Brrrr. I do hope you get to your destination before the cold front rolls in. Freezing rain does not sound fun at all! Keep up the fantastic job you and Punisher are doing – those miles are amazing 🤩

  • Samantha : Jan 22nd

    Have enjoyed reading your blogs and watching your videos on YouTube. I’m very excited for your adventures and thank you for sharing them with us!

  • Ronald Louis Mittelman : Jan 22nd

    What a great adventure. Happy, fun, being fed like royalty, meeting royalty and just letting the good vibrations continue.

    All the best to you guys. Very happy for you guys and proud of your accomplishments.!!

  • Jack Layfield : Jan 22nd

    What a treat to meet Trail Legend Nimbleweed Nomad! I am reading his book 10 MILLION STEPS. He just made it to Canada. I’ve read many trail books and this is one of my favorites!

  • GKAustin : Jan 22nd

    Great meeting with Nimblewill. Nice to know you will be out of this winter storm. Pensacola received 6 inches, which may be a new state record. Thanks for sharing.

  • Misty Klement : Jan 22nd

    Ha! That’s nasty! Thanks for the vivid reminder not to let any hikers reach into my GORP bag. It’s amazing the things people throw out their car window. I bet that item has quite the story behind it!

  • Dan D : Jan 22nd

    Great post! I’m kind of worried about the burger you packed out this morning. We saw the burrito come out but no mention of the burger. I hope it’s not in one of the side pockets of your pack to be found in a few weeks. Then again Florida’s been so cold maybe it’s refrigerated…


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