Midnight reflection of a simple mind

Reading the posts of my fellow hikers, I am amazed by the depth of their analysis while trying to explain the reasons that brought them to jump in this adventure.

Not for the first time, I am confronted to the shallowness of my mind… and I don’t see it as a problem at all! 

Why am I doing this? Why am I leaving a good job, with a decent salary, one year from full retirement? Why am I going away from my dear companion who not only loves and understands me, but is also an outstanding chef ? Why do I want to punish a body that is not perfect but still fully functional?

All that to go eat re-hydrated crap in a norovirus-infested environment… To wake up before the sun , to hike so many hours a day, 6 days a week, up and down mountains…To get frozen, scratched, bruised, bit, swollen, burned, broken and deformed?

I am a normal person living a normal life. I have no mental or physical illness. I am not mourning anybody or anything. I am not dealing with a divorce. 

So why?????

Simple answer from my simple mind? 

Because I can!

Life showed me a window where I could realize my dream of 30 years with a minimum of disturbances to my people: I can’t pass the opportunity. 

I will live with the financial consequences of my decision later. The important is to have just enough of everything. That’s what my simple mind tells me.



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Comments 5

  • thetentman : Jan 19th

    I would urge you to reconsider Mental illness. I had it for a while but if you are lucky it goes away sometimes after a thousand miles or so.

    Good luck!

    • Brigitte Allard : Jan 21st

      The trail provides! Glad Mother Earth helped you on the way!

  • Jenn D : Jan 30th

    Hey Brigitte! Simple reasons are no less valid. I’m glad you are taking the opportunity to follow this dream of yours – there is tremendous value in doing so. Hope you have a wonderful hike!

  • Cam "Peebz" Bourne : Feb 1st

    I recently read something along the lines of, “the options wouldn’t present itself if you weren’t ready.” You got this, Brigitte, and I can’t wait to follow along and hopefully see you out there!

  • Sarah Y. : Feb 5th

    Because you can! Yes I love it and have a similar mindset myself. That’s the beauty of the trail, brings us all together no matter the reasons or lack of them.


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