Oregon Coast Trail Asking For Public Feedback in Closing Gaps in Route
Stretching 362 miles along the entire coastline between Washington and California, the Oregon Coast Trail (OCT) is known for its vast expanses across sandy beaches as well its overland sections through lush coastal forests, roaring rivers, and quaint oceanside towns.
The trail is also known for the significant gaps that span nearly 10% of its total route. These disconnected sections of trail have been posing safety concerns for hikers since the trail’s opening in 1971.
“People have to either walk along Highway 101 in unsafe conditions,” says Diane Navarrete with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department “or there’s just a gap – and you can not get from point A to point B – and you have to find an alternative route before you can continue on your hike.”
With this problem being widely known throughout the OCT community, Oregon State Parks, as well as the Federal Highway Administration, Association of Oregon Counties, and Oregon Solutions have developed an action plan to officially complete the Oregano Coast trail. They are asking for public feedback on the plan via an online open house which opens January 27, 2022.
The open house hopes to introduce the project to the community, share work completed dates, and ask for hiker feedback about the OCT. The site states that the OTC action plan will “guide improvements, maintenance, and management of the OCT with an emphasis on connecting existing gaps along the trail. Once fully implemented, the OCT Action Plan will complete the Oregon Coast Trail from Washington to California and provide a framework for long-term investments and trail management.”

Project timeline for the Oregon Coast Trail Action Plan via
Final details will be designed to accommodate any concerns and recommendations from the participating agencies, stakeholders, and the general public. The plan will identify strategies for closing gaps along the trail while enhancing safety, access, and convenience for all trail users. Although the plan is expected to be fully developed by December 2022, implementing the plan could multiple take years.
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