Congrats to These 2019 Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hikers: October 3 – October 9
Congratulations to all of the incredible 2019 finishers out there! Whether it is your first thru, or you’ve added another notch to your long-distance-backpacking belt, your accomplishment deserves to be celebrated. We’ll do our part by showcasing finishers throughout the season. This post contains finishers whose photos were received by October 9.
Whether you’re NOBO, SOBO, flip-flopping, or completing your thru-hike after years of section hiking, we want to feature you. Send your finish photo along with trail name, start date, finish date, and any other relevant info to [email protected] and we will include it in our roundup.
Shoey and Chippy
September 26
Gilligan, Ranger, Saffron
September 26
From bottom left, clockwise: Gilligan, Ranger, Saffron.
September 27
April 2 – October 1
Hot Take
October 1
October 1
Half Facts and Tramily
Tramily includes: Half Facts, Grumpy Bear, Gilligan, Spider Legs, Bodega, Filter, Motorboat, Saffron, Macarena, Ranger, Wrong Way
Rad Jesus
May 6 – October 3
Single T
April 25 – October 4
Christopher Robin
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