Julie and Bob are hiking the PCT!!!
In less than 3 months Bob and I will embark on a new and challenging adventure of hiking 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. We have been thinking about hiking the PCT for several years (for Bob, most of his adult life). It is hard to believe that the time has finally come. We are getting our items in order, we are training, we are preparing, and we are planning!!! And still, it feels like we won’t be ready. Agh!
First things first,
This blog is for our families and friends who are excited to hear about our journey. I will not try to live up to the caliber of other bloggers and vloggers. I will just brain dump periodically and share our experiences. And selfishly, this will serve as my travel journal. I will not overthink, and you will lower your expectations, and we’ll meet down here, at this blog. 🙂
Bob may chime in. He’s more verbose and if you want to know ANYTHING about gear, you’ll hear it from him. Not me. I have other strengths, and maybe we’ll discover them on this trip.
I have been putting this blog off for months.
Reason 1. I don’t have a habit of writing. This is ANOTHER new muscle I will be exercising.
Reason 2. I hadn’t yet asked and then received the approval for my personal leave from work. Now I have!!! YAHOOO!
Reason 3. It’s intimidating to see all the other very helpful bloggers and their wealth of information that they curate and share, which I sincerely appreciate because I benefit from their knowledge. That notwithstanding, I will blog. (Can I edit after posting? We’ll find out.)
Thank you for your interest!!!
If you subscribe, our posts will show up in your email, I believe.
Happy Trails,
Julie & Bob
Instagram @JulieandBobgoforahike
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Comments 3
So excited to follow your journey and hear about all the things the universe is about to impart upon you, my beautiful, adventurous friend xoxo
Way to go Julie!!! Looking forward to reading your posts… and then reading the novel you make from them… and then watching the movie that’s made… and you will be played by… Julia Roberts?? 🙂 Remember to HAVE FUN!
So excited to follow along on this epic journey! And you definitely don’t have to worry about expectations when it comes to me – I can say unequivocally that you are and always will be my favorite hiking blogger 😉