Missing Tahoe Rim Trail Hiker Found Deceased in Lake Aloha

A backpacker who was reported missing from the Tahoe Rim Trail this week was found deceased in California’s Lake Aloha on Wednesday, according to the hiker’s sister.

Jia Huang, 32, had started a backpacking trip on the Tahoe Rim Trail near Mount Tallac on Tuesday, June 22nd.  This Monday, June 27th, a hiker saw Huang’s campsite with his bear canister, backpack, and his tent flipped upside-down along the shores of Lake Aloha, roughly half a mile off the Pacific Crest Trail/Tahoe Rim Trail. After the hiker passed by again the following morning and saw the campsite virtually unchanged, the tent still flipped over, he reported it to the police.

El Dorado County Search and Rescue opened an investigation and discovered Huang’s wallet and ID at the campsite, which they used to alert his sister, Lai Wong.

Wong initially took to Facebook to spread the word and seek help from the hiking community in a now-deleted post that included photos of Huang and his campsite. She attempted to contact Huang “many times” via phone, to no avail. El Dorado Search and Rescue also dispatched a helicopter to look for him.

Wong posted an update on Facebook on Wednesday confirming his death. “Hi Everyone, I just got a call from the Sherriff. They found my brother deceased in the lake. Thank you for all your help. I appreciated it.”

No further details have been released at this time.

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Comments 4

  • Stephen : Jul 1st

    Was Wong a person who was vaxxed? If so, which shot and how many?

    • What : Jul 2nd

      Have some respect, holy cow. Also, Seriously TheTrek, you haven’t deleted this troll/bot comment immediately? Can’t even avoid awful destructive typing on a hyper specific peaceful hobby website now?

    • Ben : Jul 3rd

      Come on Trek delete this shit.

  • popular vape juice : Mar 21st

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