My PCT B(ack)log
I owe you an apology.
I set out really determined to not get behind on this project. I know that some of you are here trying to figure out where the hell I’m at these days. Some of you are here for inspiration. Likely some of you are just plain bored. And I basically abandoned all of you.
For that, I am sorry.
But here’s the thing: I just couldn’t stop walking! The last update included updates on my travels to Mt Shasta, still north of the midway point of the trail. On October 15th at just about high noon, I touched the southern terminus, completing the trail in 119 days.
So what happened in the second half of my hike? That deserves several real posts, which I promise I will work on over the next few days. Highlights will include: Finding a trail family, hiking with my Dad, experiencing actual storms on the trail, the stunning glory of the High Sierra, pulling huge miles in the desert, meeting trail legends, not dying in the desert, and of course the grand finale.
Seriously, thanks for your patience and the support you’ve lent along the way. I’m excited to begin sorting through my photos, spend a last few days with my crew, and elevate the shit out of my feet. Check back here soon for more updates!
-Righteous! AT ’13, PCT ’17, ???
(Bonus pictures to keep you occupied while I catch up!)
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Comments 1
Ya dude! Congrats on the finish. Still remember you as the first other trek blogger I met. Stoked to read your updates!