Pacific Crest Trail Hike in 20 Minutes [Video]

It’s been a minute (or a few months) since I’ve shared any Pacific Crest Trail-related updates here. While my remaining blog posts await to be polished due to general procrastination, I promise I haven’t been completely idle.

Instead of blogging, I made a push to edit my footage together into a 20-minute video. Last week, I finally completed my video of our 1,500 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2018! While it’s impossible to capture every single moment of our hike, there’s plenty of walking, eating, dirty feet, incredible views, and even our two hair-raising bear encounters.

Here is our three-month Pacific Crest Trail hike condensed to 20 minutes.

Sure, it hurt a little watching the video through and seeing our hike end in Dunsmuir, CA, at mile 1501.2. But, if anything, creating this video has only strengthened our determination to finish the remaining 1,100 miles to Canada. We’re giving ourselves a window of five years in which to reach our goal.

Whether we hike that 1,100 miles in one summer or in four, I’ll be damned if we hit 35 years old and haven’t hiked to that border.

For a look at our 2013 AT thru-hike, click here.

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Comments 3

  • Buck Rogers : Mar 1st

    Love your video!

  • Kreg Moccia : Mar 1st

    Loved this video.

  • Andreas : Mar 16th

    Hey Lindsey I watched your video recently. Absolutely loved it and keep watching it over and over again. Very inspiring. It gives me the confidence to do the PCT someday, too. Thx

    Greetings from germany


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