PCT|The gifts of the trail
Hi, I am Hazel from Taiwan.
It will be my first time as a thru-hiker in the USA and I have dreamed about it since the movie “Wild” in 2015. Now the dream is going to be true, so nervous.
I like to sketch to remember what I see and also want to use this talent to draw something as a gift for those who help me on the trail. So I carry these postcards which were drew by myself, even though I know that I should pack in a lightweight style?
But the most exciting thing is the handmade tag that my friend made and sent to me as a unique charm.
March 5th is my first day on the trail, it’s less than a month to prepare.
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Comments 5
I think you are a terrific artist. Do you have any postcards for sale?
Hi Marsh, thanks for the compliment you gave. I only sell the postcards in Taiwan, these PCT postcards I will take with me on the trail but not for selling.
You might be wise to re-think that. If you had a quantity printed up and put some in every re-supply package you could sell them easily at shops along the way. Your rendition of the Knife Edge is almost like being there. I’m sure lots of hikers would buy them to send to their friends and family.
Sounds great. Thanks for telling.
I am a lady codger hiker. Following your trip with Hiking with the Codgers”. Love the artwork. Thanks for sharing. Such fun.