My PCT Gear List

It’s around 3 months before I start my PCT thru hike, and I finally have my gear list together! My base weight comes in at just over 11 pounds. For reference, my base weight on the AT in 2021 was probably 15-17 pounds, depending on when in my hike it was. I weighed my pack once, the day before I left, got sad about how much it weighed, and didn’t weigh it again. When I was on the AT, my trail friends would tease me for how big my pack was (pictured… I still maintain it wasn’t thaaaaat big), and, in turn, I would jokingly call people “ultralight freaks” (because let’s be real, it’s a bit of a cult). Oh, how the mighty have fallen (as soon as they get enough money to themselves purchase UL gear)!


Here’s a link to my LighterPack, so you can look at the breakdown/weights of everything:


ULA Circuit (ultra material)

I’ll be using a ULA Circuit pack. A ton of people have these, and everyone seems to like them. I asked a good friend of mine (who is enthusiastic about his Circuit) what he doesn’t like about it, and he said he wishes his were more waterproof. So, I bought the newer ultra version, which is supposed to be more waterproof than the robic material.

Pack Liner 

Just a contractor’s trash bag, nothing fancy.

Tent/Sleep System

Zpacks Plex Solo

Dyneema tents are so… interesting. I need to use it a lot more because I’m still getting used to it. It’s awesome having such a light tent, although it does have a bit of a learning curve.

Tent Stakes x8

Acquired over time, a mix of like 5 brands.

Tyvek or Polycro Ground Sheet

Enlightened Equipment Revelation 10 Degree

Like the tent, I’m also still getting used to the quilt- I’ve previously always been a sleeping bag person. I will say, it feels absolutely luxurious to have a new quilt, it’s so soft and warm. 10 degrees might be overkill, but I couldn’t justify buying the same temperature rating of my current sleeping bag (REI Magma 30) that’s relatively worn out. They’re similar weights anyway. Also, I’m a bit scared of the cold (after a very hypothermic and possibly frostbitten experience in the Grayson Highlands).

Sea to Summit 10L Compression Sack

I may experiment on shakedown hikes with not taking this. I know plenty of folks who compress their quilts/bags just by putting them in the bottom of their bag, but I’ve never had amazing luck with that. TBD.

Neoair Xlite Sleeping Pad

I used these for work, so I was confident prior to buying that it would work for me. I’m also bringing the inflation sack, which is not very UL of me, but saves a lot of dizziness.


Columbia PFG Short Sleeve

I think this is the most iconic piece of clothing that I own.

Patagonia Sun Hoodie

Enlightened Equipment Torrid

The bright yellow matches my Crocs.

Fleece Hat

(Might ditch it)

Darn Toughs x2

Underwear x2

Frog Toggs Jacket & Pants

I am a strong proponent of Frog Toggs as rain/wind gear. Also, they add a surprising amount of warmth when needed.

Patagonia Baggies


For the blood, sweat, snot, and tears.

REI Base Layer Leggings

Sprints Running Hat

It has Bigfoot on it!

Dirty Girl Gaiters

These are another new addition to my gear, and I’m hoping they’ll help keep the sand out of my shoes, especially in the desert.


A random pair, someone left them somewhere.


I think this is Hatback’s extra that she gave me in Vermont on the AT four years ago.


Listen, it doesn’t matter how much I want to be UL and cool… I simply don’t think I can give up my yellow Crocs, even though they weigh 10oz.

Salomon X Ultras

These are my hiking shoes! They worked perfectly for me the entire AT (and before/after). I really like that they’re sturdier than your average trail runner (and last longer! One pair lasted me 1000 miles on the AT- not advisable, though), but they’re still cut at the ankle and not as chunky as a traditional hiking boot.


Anker 10000mAh Battery Bank

This is what I used on the AT, and it was perfect then. I might have to upgrade, as I plan on filming videos for YouTube, so I may need more battery capacity.

Charging Cords & Brick

Nitecore NU-25 UL Headlamp

Hoping to do a lot of early-morning night hiking with this thing.

Phone (w/ FarOut maps on it)

Garmin InReach Mini

Corded Earbuds

I love to rock out to some music while I’m hiking.


Talenti Jar

Yeah, I’m going to be cold-soaking. I’m not sure how to feel about it, either.

Plastic Spoon

Small Swiss Army Knife

Smart Water Bottles

I’m planning to start with ~6L capacity, and I’ll see what’s necessary/what other folks are doing after I start. I might ditch a couple of the bottles in favor of a CNOC bag, but I haven’t decided yet.

Sawyer Squeeze

NRS 15L Food Bag


Lip Balm, Sunscreen, Toothbrush/toothpaste

First Aid/Repair Kit

I haven’t decided exactly what is going to go in this yet. In the past, I’ve had the classic thru-hiker first aid kit which is… ibuprofen and an InReach (and not much else). I recently got my Wilderness First Responder certification, and I’ve been thinking a lot more critically about what first aid supplies could make a significant difference for an insignificant amount of weight. All that to say, I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be brining first aid-wise.

Wallet & Cards

Pepper Spray

Trowel, Toilet Paper, Hand Sanitizer

Ditty Bag (Zpacks)

Prescription Medication 

Kula Cloth

Glasses Case

REI Aluminum Trekking Poles

Ice Axe, Microspikes, Bear Can

I’m planning on picking these up on the trail and carrying them on the sections I need to.


Aaaaaand, that’s a wrap! Or at least, I think so… let me know if you think there’s anything I’m missing. It’s crazy to finally be telling people, “yeah, I’m thru-hiking the PCT this year.”

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Comments 5

  • Jess : Jan 27th

    Hey Carson! Great work cutting down on your pack weight. Glad your kit is really coming together. 3 months away now, so soon!

    • Carson Hopwood : Jan 28th

      Thanks, Jess! Yeah, I’m super excited.

  • Toast : Jan 27th

    No big deal but your lighter pack shows your Anker 10000 battery at 0.58 ounce, maybe you meant 5.8 ounces 🙂

    • Carson Hopwood : Jan 28th

      Yikes, good catch. Should be accurate now!

  • Sarah Y. : Feb 5th

    Love a good gear list!


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