Remember This On The Bad Days
We’ve all heard it said time and time again- a thru hike is more mentally challenging than physically. This idea makes me think of Dixie’s videos from Homemade Wanderlust. She decided, while still planning her thru hikes, to write down all the reasons that she truly wanted to complete this journey. And so, on her bad days, or the hard ones, she could read why she should keep going. Here I am thinking, at 11 at night, what am I going to write down in my notebook for my bad days?
- Think about the Sierra from 2014. Think about the girl who dreamt of this, but assumed the four-year plan was more important. Think about the girl who struggled with mental health and stress and deadlines until she came back to nature. What would this Sierra think of you? Do it for her.
- You haven’t fully completed many things in your life. You’re still young, but that doesn’t make it less true. Empty endeavors have filled the last three years. How fulfilling will it feel when you complete this?
- You hear both your grandmothers tell you about their youth. Either they needed a chaperone, weren’t allowed on the ski team, or couldn’t have their own incomes. Times have changed, and you have the ability to do something women a few generations ago couldn’t wrap their minds around.
- Remember how hiking makes you feel, and lets you heal. Your bad days here are part of the journey. Enjoy it.
- Look around you, it is probably beautiful.
What will you remember on your bad days?
Photos are from Mount Lafayette and Mount Eisenhower in the WMNF
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Comments 1
Live it!!! Love it!!!!
Reading pacific crest trials, too, if that helps!!