The journey to PCT SOBO completion…
…and the journey wasn’t a straight line. Allow me to share what the past 7 months have been like.
In Dec of 2021, I “completed” the bulk of my PCT SOBO journey. Over 2k miles, in 5 months time. It was tough, but it got done.
Not gonna lie, I felt invincible… until I didn’t…
– 1 week after finishing my hike, I visited my mom in MA, who was in a nursing home over the holidays
– a week later, on New Years, I got Covid.
– two weeks after that, my mom dies an accidental death (under investigation)
– a month in MA, handling affairs (and I experience all sorts of the ugliness that death brings out amongst family)
– upon returning to CA, I begin doctor visits and treatments relating to my condition(same my mom had, though she didn’t die directly related to that)
– mid-April, my uncle was tragically killed in an automobile accident
– end of April, I break a bone in my foot getting off the couch and I’m in a boot
– mid-May, I am told my landlord is renting the main house and I’m forced to move from a house that I lived in 8.5 years
– June, I find a place to move and uproot life
– mid July, I get cleared by PT and my podiatrist, and get the ok to get back on trail
– also mid-July, I turned 40
– July 18, I’m on a one-way flight north to start my SOBO trek
…and here I am today. A couple weeks in, over 175 miles completed, and miraculously, I am ahead/south of the fires that are popping up in Oregon and NorCal.
How much is one person truly able to handle? I’d like to throw up a white flag and say that the first 7 months of 2022 have been enough!
I’m fortunate to be back on trail, where life is more simple!
Walking. Re-supplies. Pack weight. Town food. Yes, please.
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Comments 2
Returning to the simple. After all you have been though, who could deserve it more.
Wow, that is A LOT. Sending you strength and love to keep on keeping on.