Meet My Mamma.
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Hey y'all, "Rodeo" here! I'm a 22 year old graduate from Virginia Tech, a crazed horse-chick, a dirty mountain hippie and a very bad singer. I'm big on the adventurer lifestyle and am hoping to find a career that combines conservation education, journalism, and my love of the outdoors. In 2013 I broke my spine in a rather nasty horse back riding accident and since then have been planning and plotting my 2014 AT Thru-Hike with my dog, Scout the Adventure Beagle. Our goal is to raise at least a dollar a mile while hiking across the Appalachian Trail ($2,200) for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and Spinal Cord Injury Research. We look forward to seeing y'all on the map! Happy Trails! Check out our adventure blog: Donate: