Quoc “Double Magic” Nguyen on the Alaska Traverse, Norge pa Langs, and Brooks Traverse (BPR #255)

In today’s episode of Backpacker Radio presented by The Trek, we are joined by Quoc “Double Magic” Nguyen. Double Magic might just be the most accomplished backpacker you’ve never heard of, along with being in the running for most interesting person on earth. His 23,000 miles of backpacking started with trails you know, like the Colorado Trail and the Pacific Northwest Trail, and quickly evolved to trails you likely haven’t including Norge pa Langs,  Via Dinarica, the Colorado Loop (a 1500 mile route he made up), a pair of epic excursions in Alaska, and trekking around the Aleutian Islands, a thing people don’t do. This one is a like a snowball rolling downhill, it gets more momentum and becomes more dangerous the further it goes. 

We wrap the show with some news of grizzlies getting reintroduced to the Cascades, the triple crown of cheeses, and a listener pumps our tires on our behalf.

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Interview with Quoc “Double Magic” Nguyen

Time stamps & Questions

00:03:50 – Reminders: Support us on Patreon to get exclusive bonus content and don’t miss important updates by subscribing to the Trek’s newsletter or submitting your email on our website!

00:05:45 – Introducing Quoc

00:07:28 – How did you get into the outdoors?

00:09:34 – How did you transition from peakbagging to thru-hiking?

00:12:04 – What stood out to you from your first thru-hike?

00:13:14 – Were you stressed about money after graduating law school?

00:16:28 – How do you deal with shifting priorities?

00:18:25 – What is your trail name origin story?

00:19:41 – Why the Te Araroa as a second hike?

00:22:45 – Discussion about the TA

00:24:16 – How did you learn about the international hikes you’ve done?

00:26:14 – What did you learn about thru-hiking during your first two hikes?

00:27:29 – What was the first route you created?

00:28:42 – Tell us about the Iceland Traverse

00:35:45 – Do you not feel fear?

00:38:30 – Did you ever think you were gunna die?

00:42:00 – Tell us about the Norway end to end hike

00:45:26 – Was this a stressful trek?

00:46:30 – What were the terrain and resupplies like?

00:48:11 – Discussion about the ULA circuit

00:49:00 – Do you have tips for hiking efficiently?

00:50:38 – Tell us about your nutrition while hiking

00:55:00 – Would you recommend the Norway hike to others?

00:57:29 – How tired are you after the Norway hike?

01:00:00 – How do you make your trips work financially?

01:05:30 – Does it bother you when people don’t return their carts?

01:07:30 – Tell us about your current job in homeland security

01:09:32 – What are the worst things that have happened to you on trail?

01:15:15 – Why don’t you use a satellite communication device or bear spray?

01:17:00 – Story about being charged by bears

01:21:48 – Have your feelings about grizzly bears changed?

01:24:52 – What are you afraid of?

01:27:00 – What is your gym routine like?

01:31:00 – Tell us about the Brooks Range Traverse

01:35:55 – Do you ever get frustrated or lose your temper?

01:36:50 – What are the mileages of these two traverses?

01:39:25 – Tell us about the Alaska Traverse

01:46:00 – What are your big three?

01:47:20 – What do you use for footwear?

01:48:50 – Do you carry a bear canister?

01:51:00 – Tell us about the Cordillera Blanca Traverse & Huayhuash Circuit

01:54:41 – Tell us about the 1,500 mile Colorado Loop

01:58:40 – What are your favorite 13ers?

02:01:22 – Kumo Question: What is the most ridiculous fashion trend you’ve participated in?


Chaunce’s Wedding Update

Trek Propaganda: Grizzlies To Be Reintroduced in North Cascades: What It Means for the PCT by Kelly Floro

QOTD:  Would you rather be a cowboy, a samurai, or a pirate?

Triple Crown of cheeses

Listener Voicemail

Mail Bag

5 Star Review

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Our theme song is Walking Slow by Animal Years.

A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Alex & Misty with Navigators Crafting, Andrew, Austen McDaniel, Austin Ford, Brad & Blair (Thirteen Adventures), Brent Stenberg, Bryan Alsop, Christopher Marshburn, Coach from Marion Outdoors, Dayne, Derek Koch, Eric Casper, Erik Hofmann, Greg Knight, Greg McDaniel may he bring honor to his name, Hailey Buckingham, Jason “Snail” Snailer barely know her, Liz Seger, Patrick Cianciolo, Sawyer Products, SPAM, Timothy Hahn, and Tracy “Trigger” Fawns.

A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: 12 Trees Farms, Bonnie Ackerman, David, Dcnerdlet, Emily Galusha, Jeanie, Jeanne Latshaw, Joann Menzer, Katharine Rudzitis, Keith Dobie Jr, Merle Watkins, Peter, and Ruth S.

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