Super 8 – Appalachian Trail Thru Hikers [Week of 10.3.15]
It’s hard to believe we are already 8 weeks in to celebrating the spectacular triumphs of thru-hikers! App Trials congratulates you with fist bumps galore!
If you’ve completed your thru-hike, send us your Katahdin or Springer summit photos (or wherever you conclude your journey, flip-floppers).
Email us your photos here and be sure to include your Trail Name, and summit date.
Trail Name: Rico Suave and Look Out
Summit Date: September 12
Trail Name: Red Hot & Sam I Am
Summit Date: September 12
Trail Name: MacDaddy
Summit Date: September 25
Trail Name: Dirty Peanut
Summit Date: September 25
Trail Name: Mulambo
Summit Date: September 17
Trail Name: Walker Bee
Summit Date: September 18
Trail Name: OSHA
Trail Name: Finn
Summit Date: September 17
Trail Name: The Artful Dodger
Trail Name: Yoda
Summit Date: September 15
< Thru-hikers, don’t forget to submit your photos here! >
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