Bliss thru hikes the AT NOBO 2024 Intro
Hey there everyone! Welcome to my new blog. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Alyssa aka “Bliss”. I am excited to share my stories with...
The Greater Western Loop
Greater Western Loop I am starting my next big hike soon with my partner Not Ready. We plan to start with the Continental Divide Trail and head sobo (southbound). We’ve...
Pacific Crest Trail: Thru-Hike 2 – The Return to Dirtbagging
A May 14th NOBO permit for the Pacific Crest Trail. A 63-day countdown. A full-time job to finish. A life to pack up in boxes. An ever-growing To Do List....
Two Weeks Before a Long Thru-Hike
I have been seeing hikers start the trail before me and my own turn to start is a mere day away. it makes me feel both giddy for the trail...
“Well actually I leave Monday for like 5 months..”
“No rain, no pain, no Maine” I mumble to myself from an indoor treadmill because it was a little chilly outside this morning. An early February start looming just days...
Why Start the Appalachian Trail in February?
Hello! My name is Stick the Eagle and I am currently attempting a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2024. I am traveling NOBO from Georgia to Maine. I...