amicalola falls

Stories From The Trail Episode 6 – AT Kickoff 2018

Stories From The Trail Episode 6 – AT Kickoff 2018

The kickoff lasts three days, so there's plenty to hear. Enough for a few episodes, for sure. In this installment, Green Giant and Voldemort share their stories while bringing you with...

Mar 12, 2018 : Gary Sizer
To Approach or Not to Approach:  starting NOBO at Amicalola Falls

To Approach or Not to Approach: starting NOBO at Amicalola Falls

''Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.'' -Yoda to Anakin Skywalker Amicalola Falls.   The spiritual northbound start of the Appalachian Trail to some, the bane...

Dec 11, 2017 : Jon Goff
To Hike the Approach Trail or Not?

To Hike the Approach Trail or Not?

To Approach Trail, or Not to Approach Trail? When starting your NOBO thru-hike, you may wonder if you should partake in the trail leading up to Springer Mountain. Here is...

Aug 2, 2016 : Stubbs
Day 0: Amicalola Lodge

Day 0: Amicalola Lodge

Inti and I are here at the lodge after a 10.5 hour journey from Arlington via car yesterday through gorgeous western Virginia (Route 81 for the win) and eastern Tennessee....

Apr 12, 2016 : Notebook
To Approach or Not to Approach

To Approach or Not to Approach

Should I hike the Approach Trail? That was the one question I asked myself months, days, and even hours before I left for my hike on the AT. For those...

Mar 29, 2016 : Cara Griffith
Fat and Bald and I Haven’t Left Amicalola

Fat and Bald and I Haven’t Left Amicalola

Today is my 28th birthday,  and tomorrow I start the Appalachian Trail. That statement lacks prose and insight,  but I want to write the truth and this is my truth....

Mar 24, 2015 : Erin Tate
Day 1: Easing in with an Amicalola Near-o

Day 1: Easing in with an Amicalola Near-o

Day 1: AT Approach Trail to lodge My husband, Muskrat, and I got dropped off at the lovely Amicalola Falls Lodge yesterday evening. After crying over the amazing three-story AT...

Mar 18, 2015 : Jen Magnuson
Sonic Boom and Big Sleeping Bag Girl-The Shenanigans Have Begun!

Sonic Boom and Big Sleeping Bag Girl-The Shenanigans Have Begun!

The 3 ladies in front of the infamous arch.   Before leaving for Amicalola Falls State Park I tripled checked everything. My sisters backpack, daughter and husbands packs and my...

Mar 9, 2015 : Jessica Georgia