amicalola falls
Stories From The Trail Episode 6 – AT Kickoff 2018
The kickoff lasts three days, so there's plenty to hear. Enough for a few episodes, for sure. In this installment, Green Giant and Voldemort share their stories while bringing you with...
To Approach or Not to Approach: starting NOBO at Amicalola Falls
''Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.'' -Yoda to Anakin Skywalker Amicalola Falls. The spiritual northbound start of the Appalachian Trail to some, the bane...
To Hike the Approach Trail or Not?
To Approach Trail, or Not to Approach Trail? When starting your NOBO thru-hike, you may wonder if you should partake in the trail leading up to Springer Mountain. Here is...
Day 0: Amicalola Lodge
Inti and I are here at the lodge after a 10.5 hour journey from Arlington via car yesterday through gorgeous western Virginia (Route 81 for the win) and eastern Tennessee....
To Approach or Not to Approach
Should I hike the Approach Trail? That was the one question I asked myself months, days, and even hours before I left for my hike on the AT. For those...
Fat and Bald and I Haven’t Left Amicalola
Today is my 28th birthday, and tomorrow I start the Appalachian Trail. That statement lacks prose and insight, but I want to write the truth and this is my truth....
Day 1: Easing in with an Amicalola Near-o
Day 1: AT Approach Trail to lodge My husband, Muskrat, and I got dropped off at the lovely Amicalola Falls Lodge yesterday evening. After crying over the amazing three-story AT...
Sonic Boom and Big Sleeping Bag Girl-The Shenanigans Have Begun!
The 3 ladies in front of the infamous arch. Before leaving for Amicalola Falls State Park I tripled checked everything. My sisters backpack, daughter and husbands packs and my...