Big Hairy Toes-Thru Hiker Changed on the AT
Here’s the Thing…. An interesting experience is happening to me on the Appalachian Trail, I am adapting. I won’t go into detail about the hair on my big toes,...
The End is the Beginning
If you know even a little about the Appalachian Trail, you probably know the iconic sign atop Baxter Peak on Mt. Katahdin in Baxter State Park, Maine. Resting on a...
Dick’s Ceek to Plum Orchard Shelter
Day 2: Miles Hiked Today: 4.7 New Hiker Status: Has a temporary trail name...Lil' Pink D Walkie, Lil' Pink D, and I were dropped off by Green Dragon Hostel owner...
Green Dragon Hostel
Miles hiked: none yet Current residence: Green Dragon Hostel It's the most popular hostel in Georgia on the Appalachian Trail, and nothing but hiking
Appalachian Trail Bat Attack
Starting a second thru hike comes with a lot of expectations. You expect some things to be the same as the first and others to be different. You expect the...
Setting Out Tomorrow
Setting out tomorrow...
Food Storage for 8 Days: Bear Bag vs. Bear Canister
Y'all, I really wanted an Ursack bear sack over a bear cannister, and until the very last moment, I thought that was the way I'd go.
Part Two: Walkie’s Favorite Things About Hiking the A.T.
Walkie here again! Wow! A repeat guest on Myrt’s blog. I feel so honored. I’m here to share my favorite things about the trail. I do have similar ones to...
Bear Poop, Shelters, and Mountain Laurel: My Favorite Things About Hiking the A.T.
Three (3) Weeks Out Total Miles Hiked (2 previous sections) | 76.4 Miles Remaining A.T. | 2,113.6 Miles of Upcoming Section | 30 or so Three weeks out and wishing...
Why the AT
Need More Stories! My 88-year-old father moved into an independent living center two years back. After a few weeks I came back to visit him. He was unusually quiet as...