WV to Boiling Springs
Ok, folks. I know it’s been forever (or 2 months… same thing, right?!) since my last post. Let’s just say I decided it was time to focus more on hiking...
Looking Back: 2015’s First Trail Entries
The following is a list I compiled for myself of 2015 Appalachian Trials Bloggers first days on the trail. Some have made it to Katahdin already, some have never been...
What is Normal?
It took Durpadur and I 2 hitches to get down I-95 to Portland. I thought it would take longer than that, so I gave us 2 days to do it....
Save The Best For Last…
The Katahdin Streams Campground was extremely busy on September 6th. I found myself checking in with the ranger at 7 a.m. She assigned me with number 454.... 454! I checked...
MAINE!!! The First 10 Miles Tell a Story
I pretty much ran to Maine. The last few miles of New Hampshire seemed to drag on and on. I was a little too eager to see that wobbly wooden...
Endless Virginia
More Virginia updates... some days, it really felt like we were never going to be out of Virginia! Hope you enjoy. Day 88 - VA-43 to Bryant Ridge Shelter Miles:...
More Virginia
Hey, all. I know I am WAY behind in posting updates, and I'm not going to lie - the majority of them will probably have to wait until I am...
She’ll Either Kiss You On The Lips, Or Kick You When You’re Down
Mother nature.... the trail.... you never know what she is going to do. She'll either give you terrain that is soft enough for bare feet or she will give you...
Therapy on the Trail
There is a chill in the Vermont morning air. It reminds me of leaves changing. It reminds me of football season. It reminds me of my favorite time of the...
1500 Mile Marker Struggle: The Rant of a Masshole
Last week we left New Jersey for good, then overcame the challenge of the rocky roller coaster called New York, forged ahead through Connecticut, and landed for some rest here...