Lucky Penny’s AT 2023 Thru-Hike [Day Zero – Day 5]
Lucky Penny's Appalachian Trail Flip-Flop Thru-Hike Day Zero - Day 5 There I was, riding shotgun in my husband's Ford pickup truck, rolling down interstate 40 to 81 from Asheville...
How to Prevent and Treat 7 Common Thru-Hiking Foot Problems
Have you ever noticed that thru-hikers have an awful lot in common with zombies? Both are prone to shuffling glassy-eyed through the woods at strange hours. Both have large appetites
Happy Feet: Your Guide to Not Having Angry Ones Like Mine on the Trail!
My personal advice on how to choose and get properly fitted for footwear for a thru hike, and how to prevent and treat battered feet.
The Legend of the Fish Stick Gang
On the very first day of my hike the back of my right boot wore a blister into my heel. In 2011 I had hiked from Georgia to Maine without...
How to Protect Your Feet While Backpacking
Welcome to the video version of the Trench Foot Article! Feet are your mode of transportation and it is super important to take care of them. Enjoy my video explanation...
Anatomy of an Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker’s First Aid Kit
In addition to being the mom of a 2014 thru-hiker, I’m a registered nurse and EMT. So I have given Sarah’s first aid kit a lot of thought. The everyday...