The Power Of The Mind
The problem, is that it might not go away. Instead, you learn how to manage it. Eventually you learn how strong you really are.
Walking with Recognition of the Land on the ODT
When I plan on doing a thru-hike I look forward to the scenery, the adventure, meeting new people, and the stories I can tell afterwards. My hiking and romantic partner,...
Storms Pass – Leaving Vermont
Mud has been a serious problem for my adventures through Vermont with rainy days being plentiful and tiring. Body pains and a week-long stint in Rutland put me behind the...
Continuing After Trail Days
With the rains returned, the quiet of nature helps me adjust to the aftershock of Trail Days. The weekend was packed with amazing and wonderful reunions, bands, gear vendors, activities,...
From Tides to Trail : Finding A New Community After Leaving the Military
Mile 460. As I reflect, I left my job in Hawaii over a year and a half ago. It was a hard transition to hang up my Navy uniform and...
Week 1: The Fellowship and The Four Trials
Week One: The Fellowship of the Trail
What’s In a Name? (Part 2) How They Earned Their Trail Names
Hi, everyone. Due to the outpouring of new stories and feedback from the community, I have gone ahead and included as many more fun and interesting trail name stories in...
Don’t Stop Believing: Departing for a Journey
A few things I thought worthy of sharing before departing for my 2016 NoBo AT Thru-Hike.
Two Halves of a Whole Idiot
Bryson said it best "hiking was a tiring, dirty, pointless slog between distantly spaced comfort zones." And I found it's much harder to find someone to thru hike than I...
Surviving A Year With The Itch
One year of serious planning, doubts, & fears. One year of reading gear reviews until I thought my eyes might bleed & a year of buying gear until I though...