Chapter 8: PCT Week 6: “Chili Cheese Fries and the Captain’s Quarters”
Chapter 8: Week 6: “Chili Cheese Fries and the Captain’s Quarters” Days 36-42: 4/10-4/16/22 Total Trail Miles: 92.70 Total GPS Recorded Miles: 95.58 Cumulative Trail Miles: 523.10 From:
Research Completed, and I Still Have Questions
Can you every really be completely prepared for something as big as a thru-hike?
Appalachian Trail Daze
This first two weeks on the A.T. has been nothing short of amazing. The weather has been nothing short of bipolar. I am in all my glory. The Journey On...
Thru-Hiker Thoughts: How I Realized Why I was Hiking the AT
I had lost sight of a specific reason why I was hiking the Appalachian Trail. It was becoming so daunting that I couldn't even provide an answer to all that...
Hiking South for the Winter: A Glimpse Into the Mind of a Potential Nut-Case
Origin of Insanity It's only crazy until it becomes a reality One year, seven months, and one day ago I went on my first backpacking trip for my 23rd birthday....
Storms Pass – Leaving Vermont
Mud has been a serious problem for my adventures through Vermont with rainy days being plentiful and tiring. Body pains and a week-long stint in Rutland put me behind the...
Crossing to PA : Last One Wins
Barefoot is still here. And still moving. I've regrouped with part of my tramily as "Bags" has managed to catch up to me. He'd been away at a wedding but...
No One Could Believe This Amazing Trail Magic
This weekend, Thru-Hikers encountered the Appalachian Pine Mixer at Overmountain Shelter, a trail magic event like no other!
Trail Update: Finding Towns Along the AT
Things I have loved about hiking into a resupply point and town.
Week 1: The Fellowship and The Four Trials
Week One: The Fellowship of the Trail