deer tick
Little “Tick”-ing Time Bombs
In the mid 1990s, I canoed a section of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway in western Wisconsin. The mother-daughter trip was memorable for three reasons: A black bear wander indifferently
Report: Tick-Transmitted Powassan Virus “Worse Than Lyme Disease”
If thoughts of Lyme Disease were enough to keep you up at night, you might want to hide under covers after hearing this: Powassan Virus infections are reportedly on the rise....
What You Need to Know About Lyme Disease and Deer Ticks on the Appalachian Trail
Forget bears, forget thunderstorms, forget things that go bump in the night: the real terror on the Appalachian Trail is the size of a sesame seed—or smaller. The eastern deer...
Deer Tick Virus May Be On Rise Near the Appalachian Trail
Ticks. In the outdoor community there are few creatures more feared or more despised than the tick. First of all they suck your blood to survive. Next consider that the...
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