Depression, Surgeries, and Regeneration
Well hello there, Trek folk! I must say, it has been over a year since I last updated this blog. I feel guilty about letting it go to the wayside,...
Stories From the Trail Episode 7 – Keith Foskett High and Low
Keith Foskett, a.k.a. "Fozzie", is a well traveled long distance hiker, a bestselling author, dog lover, and maple syrup connoisseur. In this episode, Keith joins us from his home in...
A Trek With A Purpose: To Spread the Magic Beyond the AT
On Trail Magic, Hiking for Mental Health, and an Interview with Leo Walker
On the Path to Healing & Hiking for Mental Health
My battle with depression, hiking to heal, and hiking with a purpose.
4 Ways the Appalachian Trail Changed Who I Am
For those who set out to thru hike the 2,185+ miles of the Appalachian Trail, starting out marks a new chapter in life. We even get a new trail name to...
Hiking for My Life
Trigger Warning: Suicidal Thoughts Buckle in kiddos, this is going to be kind of a downer. I'm really hoping this post doesn't come off as too self-indulgent. Part of...
How to Fight Through On Trail and Post Trail Depression
With the passing of Robin Williams this month, depression has been on my mind. I wrote specifically about this death here, but I’d like to explore the connection between depression...