
End of Book 1: New Hampshire and Maine

End of Book 1: New Hampshire and Maine

As I recount the past few weeks, I find myself bewildered by how time, and trail progress passes me by. It has been hundreds of kilometers since Lincoln. We have...

Aug 12, 2022 : Mountain Goat


The Good Contrary to popular belief, Pennsylvania (PA) is not all bad. There's much to be celebrated in this state, and much to be missed. A Smugness on a fun...

May 14, 2022 : Mountain Goat
Rocks, Rock, and Rain Through Virginia

Rocks, Rock, and Rain Through Virginia

Howdy! Once again, long time, no blog. I have fallen far, far behind on not only this but also journaling every night. Just having tooo good of a time! I...

Jun 9, 2018 : Christopher Keys