dicks creek
Bear Poop, Shelters, and Mountain Laurel: My Favorite Things About Hiking the A.T.
Three (3) Weeks Out Total Miles Hiked (2 previous sections) | 76.4 Miles Remaining A.T. | 2,113.6 Miles of Upcoming Section | 30 or so Three weeks out and wishing...
Return to Dick’s Creek: New Gear, New Hiker, New State
We're heading back out soon. Making calculated gear changes and weighing new items. And adding a new member to our hiking team for our May 2024 trek. This year, Daniel,...
Day 3/my birthday
Weather is so fickle. I hoofed it up to Trey mountain shelter expecting a downpour overnight. Waking up to no rain was the greatest birthday gift of all. When I went...
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