
Superior Wilderness Designs: UL Backpacks You Should Know About

Superior Wilderness Designs: UL Backpacks You Should Know About

The masterminds behind SWD: Stitch and Good Lady The Ultralight Backpacking industry’s future began to change in January of 2016, when Brandon McIntyre (Stitch) and Ashley Thick (Good Lady)

May 5, 2017 : Mary Beth Skylis
Dyneema: The Future of Backpacking?

Dyneema: The Future of Backpacking?

The advances that DSM Dyneema and Cuban Technologies are making has allowed tent and backpack weights to be sliced in half.

Nov 21, 2016 : Mary Beth Skylis
MYOG: Make Your Own Ultralight Breathable Tarp Poncho

MYOG: Make Your Own Ultralight Breathable Tarp Poncho

So you think you're ultralight? Think again, hiker friend! Up your game by making your own 7.9 ounce (including tent stakes!) cuben fiber tarp/poncho. This simplistic and crazy light piece...

May 22, 2016 : Jean Taggart