flip flop

My Last Post

My Last Post

Better late than never. I last posted on The Trek at the end of the 100 mile wilderness on the flop portion of my thru-hike back in 2021. I did...

May 17, 2024 : Kat Tracks
The 100 Mile Wilderness

The 100 Mile Wilderness

Just saying the name of this section of the Appalachian Trail can be intimidating. The challenge is 100 miles of straight hiking with no hostel or hotel stops, no resupply...

Sep 19, 2021 : Kat Tracks
Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

What the heck is a flip-flop? No one who has learned that I’m thru-hiking the AT has been shocked; not in the least bit. In fact, most have wondered what...

Oct 20, 2018 : Christopher Johnson
Hiker Hopscotch: Making a New Plan

Hiker Hopscotch: Making a New Plan

I don’t know if a thru-hike ever turns out to be what the hiker imagines it will be. Sometimes (most times?) it’s a more amazing adventure than the mind can...

Aug 22, 2018 : Joey Ferguson
Stories From The Trail Ep. 14: Halfway There with Turnaround

Stories From The Trail Ep. 14: Halfway There with Turnaround

Back in Episode 9 we met Chris, who was beginning his Appalachian Trail thru-hike the following day. This is Chris's first long trail, and he's having the time of his...

Jul 26, 2018 : Gary Sizer
What It Feels Like to Finish a Thru-Hike

What It Feels Like to Finish a Thru-Hike

The final days leading up to finishing a through-hike and returning to civilization are a confusing mix of anticipation, terror, pride, sadness and relief. Here is what you might experience...

May 24, 2017 : Janel Gazelle
Back At It: Lashing Out My 2016 Thru-hike

Back At It: Lashing Out My 2016 Thru-hike

Turns out the pain I experienced last summer was temporary. Like childbirth. And here I am back doing it again. I have now traipsed along 1400 miles of the trail...

May 10, 2017 : Katina (Arachne) Daanen
Five (Final) Reasons to Flip-Flop your Thru-Hike

Five (Final) Reasons to Flip-Flop your Thru-Hike

Once you go unconventional, you never go back. It's been encouraging to hear from so many flip-flopping thru hikers since I started posting my own reasons for going this unconventional...

Jan 25, 2017 : Deane "Roo" Giordano
Three More Reasons to Flip Flop on the AT

Three More Reasons to Flip Flop on the AT

Getting my trail legs on. The good reasons for doing a flip flop hike just keep piling up. For a variety of them, I'm starting north on April 26* at Grayson...

Jan 6, 2017 : Deane "Roo" Giordano
Unconventional Wisdom:  Is a Flip-Flop Hike Right For You?

Unconventional Wisdom: Is a Flip-Flop Hike Right For You?

Unconventional Is My Middle Name For a long time, I’ve been convinced that the only way to hike the AT is to start on Springer Mountain and end on Katahdin.  I...

Jan 1, 2017 : Deane "Roo" Giordano