Green Mountains
Over the River and Through the Woods: From Vermont to New Hampshire
Although I’d given up on Naked Hiking Day myself thanks to the weather, I passed a whole troop of local guys who bare it all every year to mark the...
Marble and Birch: Into the Green Mountains
In the past week, I’ve traveled north through the Berkshires and up into Vermont. The terrain is rolling higher, with 3000-foot plateaux and peaks pushing up towards 4000 for the...
Preparing for a Long Trail Thru-Hike
Hiking Vermont's Long Trail (LT) is not for the faint-hearted or the weak-footed. So how does one prepare for an LT thru-hike? Aside from the essential gear and food components,...
6 Reasons to Hike the Long Trail
The Long Trail (LT) is the granddaddy long distance trail of them all, the first of its kind blazed in North America. Spanning 272 miles, the LT traverses the spine...
Family, Fun, and 400 Miles to go!
Hello! I'm currently at mile 1786.6 on the trail, I came off for the weekend to do a Dirty Girl Mud Run with all the ladies in my family. Team...