hiking advice

Lucky Penny’s AT 2023 Thru-Hike [Day Zero – Day 5]

Lucky Penny’s AT 2023 Thru-Hike [Day Zero – Day 5]

Lucky Penny's Appalachian Trail Flip-Flop Thru-Hike Day Zero - Day 5 There I was, riding shotgun in my husband's Ford pickup truck, rolling down interstate 40 to 81 from Asheville...

Mar 2, 2023 : Joanne Gigliotti
When you hit rock bottom, climb back up.

When you hit rock bottom, climb back up.

I could either go home and be a quitter or purge myself of all anxieties and negativity. Continuing to hike in my toxic mental state was not an option.

Jul 23, 2016 : Laurel "Duchess of Slug" Seus
Nice View? Put the Camera Away!

Nice View? Put the Camera Away!

Can't wait to make all your friends and family jealous with pictures of each shelter, each view, each white blaze? Well, maybe lay off the camera a bit...

Jan 31, 2016 : Connor Adams
Hiking with dogs

Hiking with dogs

Having a dog is a responsibility many of us have chosen to accept in trade for the companionship, protection, entertainment and enjoyment they provide.  Taking a dog hiking is good for both...

Jun 23, 2015 : Dylan Tonkin
How to Survive a Thunderstorm on the Trail

How to Survive a Thunderstorm on the Trail

PCT mile 1076.65. Carson Pass Hwy 88, Northern California, on a beautiful sunny afternoon, late September. After a great lunch outside the ranger station, the rangers on duty warn me about...

Mar 25, 2015 : Viola Murgia
Hiking with a Partner: How to Maintain your Relationship

Hiking with a Partner: How to Maintain your Relationship

You’ve decided to have a partner for your long-distance hike. What a fun adventure for the two of you! Maybe you just met last week or are long-time best friends...

Oct 7, 2014 : Sprinkles
A Few of My Trials (And How I Overcame Them)

A Few of My Trials (And How I Overcame Them)

No one ever said hiking the AT would be easy. In fact, they warned me it would be hard. I had even had some AT experience, so I knew the...

Jul 3, 2014 : Evans Prater